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[HURRY] 60 or not?!

Paroxy Pure

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Paroxy Pure

hey, need a quick vote whether to get 60 attack- stats are;

50 att

76 str

1 def

74 ranged (reason to get 60 also coincides with chinning@apeatoll)

44 pray

65 mage (ape atoll)

70 hp


my reasons are to get 60 attack-

have ape atoll range/magic spot

dds is easy to get kills with

more versatility in wars


not to get 60-

g maul is boss


Danny The Great

44 pray so you might as well.. 50 attack builds stay at 1-31 pray

the real faker

yeah defo, more pros than cons


60 and 45 pray




60 man, but with 76 str you'll be outhit by gmaulers until 90+ str

Its zeh noob

50, wait till you'ved chinned


60 Attack.


50 Attack is unique , but I'd go 60


60 is good, dds costs less then g maul

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