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Been gone a while What have I missed?

pi whiteoutz

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pi whiteoutz

Well I recently just started playing runescape again i quit in 2010 when Zenith and Chaotic just recently got introduced I remember all the clans fatality, Mahatama, Foe, Destination pures, CPR, ect. my question is what clans are still alive, and also how big is the pure community currently and finally didn't there use to be a pure community website where you could see all the clans and such.


it was mayhem makers not mahatma and they closed. you could go to zybes and find out about a lot of clans but currently i dont use any of those other pure websites.

I Sk1tso I

it was mayhem makers not mahatma and they closed. you could go to zybes and find out about a lot of clans but currently i dont use any of those other pure websites.

Posted (edited)

Dont use any other pure sites but theres pure community site for all clans and clanless cant remember adress tough some1 post it

Edited by Sauli
pi whiteoutz

Yeah I can't remember the name of the pure community site.


mahatma makers


cp closed mayehem makers


Mahatma is best clan lol


without bonesaw no foe :kappa:


without bonesaw no foe :kappa:

what happened to him i heard he's quitted for some reason?


I wonder the same thing. Good question

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