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Baby Hybrid


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Hello everyone.. I have been contemplating if I should start playing RS in a couple of weeks when I get Internet in my new home.. I was thinking about starting a baby pure, taking my time to build its stats up to a maxed 1 def 60 att pure. I'm not sure if RS is much fun anymore. I would love to be in Foe but I know I wouldn't be active enough, and I work weekends so the weekend trips wouldn't work for me either. Is there any brid teams centered around Foe members? Is it even worth it to start all over on this rs server?

Thank you for your feed back


yo come back!!


Only worth it if you want to clan if you ask me.


its summer yolo


yo come back!!

How are the weekend trips? Same times or are weekday trips just as valuable now?


I honestly miss Foe the most from rs but, are the weekend trips still mandatory vs the weekday events?


aww dam


hey rs is dif from what it use to be years ago, not enough players playing this game anymore, so pking during the week is dead, only clanning is active


hey rs is dif from what it use to be years ago, not enough players playing this game anymore, so pking during the week is dead, only clanning is active

Thank you for being honest. Ill think on it.. Hmm


Clanning is not really worth it and the game sucks

Nearly Godz

We have enough midweek events that you'll be able to attend but yea as said above 1v1 pking is pretty much dead.


ga,me sucks clan sucks internret sucks forums sucks pkin sucks 1v1 sucks multi pk sucks skilling sucks botting sucks staking sucks


I honestly miss Foe the most from rs but, are the weekend trips still mandatory vs the weekday events?

Yeah weekend trips are still mandatory. I am ending up in the same position because I have to work like almost every weekend.


I might end up having to drop to retired/clan ally because of that so, it's really up to you, but keep that in mind.


ya its worth it, come back

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