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Main Stakers - Scamming


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Me and Jensen was in 250k each, I gave the money to Ace Melee (500k), One of the highest ranks In there Clan chat, Then he asked if it was okay to stake another high rank in the clan chat called iGlitched I gave the money to him as he still had a number of people trading him, Jensen said No, While I was afk for a moment, After I gave him the money, So I gave no permission for him to use my money either way as I was not there, He then proceeded into a stake with iGlitched with no permission from Jensen as he did not want him to stake another rank, He then lost, Which is where the TS havoc commenced, Confirming there status as immature Scammers.

How it works

 They get there Ranked friend from the CC to make up a "fictive" bet and then proceed to ask for confirmation in CC, Then they lose to the other ranked member where they then shovel in the money (in this case) a 30m+ pot size





I'm missing a lot here.. paying people to stake for you?

The shit is this?!


I'm missing a lot here.. paying people to stake for you?

The shit is this?!


Yeah but it's all a scam, Holydreams etc made money off it.


I'm missing a lot here.. paying people to stake for you?

The shit is this?!


I know right.

Sounds like Dripz haha

Danny The Great



Not surprised. 


why didnt u want him to stake iGlitched?


if none of u had a bet on both theres nothing wrong with that haha, if you had bets on both then obviously they cant go in vs each other but the guy said you didnt.


if you cause any problems you will get kicked from the cc coz they dont want to deal with shit.


but yeah, even i believe that they scam from time to time but not for something as low as 1m... I have staked 70m and won and have seen people go in 100m+ and win.


if they really wanted to scam they would duel somebody not in the clan chat. Also, there were probably people that bet on iGlitched so there was no made up bet just for them to win money... They do that when other people dont call their bets.


Those #DogFights, I Could've Told You tht sht Whn they Fight Eachother You Take Yo Paper from they Ass they Know I Don't Play tht sht


I'm missing a lot here.. paying people to stake for you?

The shit is this?!


Give me your money, I am a dog fighter.



Made coggy/adhi/fuzy/lugia and a lot more members money back in the day.



Rip fuzy ags


Not surprised. 


talk.teamspeak3.com that's there ts go flame the fk out of em if ya want - just vpn up 


Honestly the fact that they fight trusted people, and if they lose they pocket the entire 40m+ pot is genius.


talk.teamspeak3.com that's there ts go flame the fk out of em if ya want - just vpn up 


I know, I was banned from it, cunts.


all of them are scammers


won a 25m stake with one of the guys in safestakes and an imposter traded and got my winnnings, then they refused to give me my winnings because I didn't vid it.


their all fuckin scammers


well that's what happens when you give your money to a random guy


Use "card" cc, all hosts stream to prove they're legit.


well that's what happens when you give your money to a random guy

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