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Idiot Wasabi PK vid 4


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My PK vid 4

watch in HQ (full screen looks pretty good as well)

comment, rate, sub.

post thoughts =)

Chris (Pur3strgod)

Pretty good vid... except a couple random clips. But ye.. good job.

Chris (Pur3strgod)

soz didint liked it 4/5

how do you rate it 4/5 if you didnt like it....  :huh:


soz didint liked it 4/5

how do you rate it 4/5 if you didnt like it....  :huh:

i rate 4/5 cuz i never rate 1/5 i cant do that :) they try they best :) but if i dont like it its my problems not thems so 4/5  :blush:

i thought it was ok good job


Not supposed to Pray Melee when you're standing in PvP even with a Dbow and rushing.


soz didint liked it 4/5

how do you rate it 4/5 if you didnt like it....  :huh:

i rate 4/5 cuz i never rate 1/5 i cant do that :) they try they best :) but if i dont like it its my problems not thems so 4/5  :blush:

Then give it a 2/5...

Anyway I liked it so 4/5


it wasnt bad. never use the last song ever evr ever again though.



pretty sweet, keep making them, and keep editing, ull imporve so much if u jsut experiment with idff efects


10/10 dont listen to these people and 11/10 cause i was in it and the creditsssssssssssss  ^_^


wacthed 10 seconds didnt like sorry :/

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