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What to do -.-

Turm Spec

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Hmmmm i'm getting 82 mage tomorrow and i'm thinking about what i should do after =O

My stats atm:

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- Do Dt right after so i can be like level 47 with blitz, not like i'm going to necessarily use it then but i'm getting DT out of the way.

- Get 50 attack, 80'ish strength

- Get 80 range'ish, keeping the melee levels dt subquests give me.

- Become a hybid and get 75 range and like 75 strength before pk'ing

Personally, i think i'll do option one, just so i can take a break from training, and then get Range.

Please post what YOU personally think i should do.


Hmm, you should become a range gmauler, and when you get bored of that you can do quests/train your attack to 60 so you can use dds/dscim etc. Doing dt with 11-31 pray will be kinda hard :P Since I did it with 16 haha. But goodluck on your account(:


Yeah the first option you said sounds pretty sexy


Go with Option #1.


opt 1 but dont get other stats just fuck little children in pvp with blitz


all of those options sound really good, personally i would say option 1 because a lvl 47 with blitz would just be hawt :o. good luck on what you choose bro


get 82 mage and then get 80 range


What madly said. Absolute rape in pvp


ROFL i think i will do that. I'll instantly do DT and fuck around in BH for like a day or two, then get 80 range.


you'd easily get 1-hit by gmaulers/obby maulers at that level, so go with opt 3.


- Get 80 range'ish, keeping the melee levels dt subquests give me.

that option i like :P


Do DT get 82 Strength and Range with 50 Attack.


get 82/94 mage and 70 range and train melee up.


you'd easily get 1-hit by gmaulers/obby maulers at that level, so go with opt 3.

dude it's not like i'm actually going to try and pk with blitz at that level -.-

I'll bring in a few casts and some food and just try it out like twice -.-.


Its really up to you. If you have the time get range and str, like my account I guess. Definitely do DT at some stage no matter what. I did it at level 50 with 15 pray and it wasn't horribly hard.

If you are choosing either range or str then go with range. Range will mean that you wont have to get close to opponents with 1 pray in clan fights and single p2p pvp does ok with range pure.

If you are going to do f2p single then you need str as well. Otherwise str would really be if you want G maul or DDS for ko weapon, if you go ancient gmauler with no range then you will be a NH noob, but probably get lots of kills.


u should just stay mage/range and not get melee its much more fun to be over powered in range then have decent range/str so try that until you want str

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