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Getting 99 atk, thaughts?


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One thing that ive always wanted in this game is a 99 atk/str pure. Recently i was working on one, and had 80 atk 99 str, but as many of you may have heard i got perm banned on it in rs3. After thinking about it some, im considering getting my current pure which is maxed 60 atk, to 99 atk. this would be better for clanning and i would finally have my 99 atk pure. I am not interested in 75 atk so please dont even suggest it, its either 60 or 99 for me. SO whats your guys thaughts on this? also if i get 99 atk i will start working on a 2ndary 50 atk pure to slowly max out as well and also use as a nmz host.


if u want to get it go for it but i think its not good for low def pking and cba


if u want to get it go for it but i think its not good for low def pking and cba

ya i think itd still be decent for bridding, as i mentioned though i would make a 50 atk pure to replace as a low lvl pure. just id like to have a really good pure for the clan


If you are making a new pure why not, it is nice to have a maxed acct .


get 75


If you are making a new account yes. 


If you are making a new pure why not, it is nice to have a maxed acct .



used to be fun when i had it on my account pre eoc gl m8

Danny The Great

I don't see why not.


Had that thought Pre-EoC got turmoil with 60 attack maxed, but wasn't fun didn't care for 75/80 just got 99 and had fun clanning as at that point that's all I wanted to do in RS.


Maxed 60 is so good though :(


do it ftc


60 attack, your a main after 60, mayaswell get defence aswell, if going 99 attack.


Do it, because then more reason to get that new low level pure going! And honestly one of the most fun things as a pure is making a new low level one hahaha


Got that pre-eoc, but only for the Mayhem-Makers and need of ability to tear through dat sea of adamant.

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