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No0b o Vid 3 :D


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Pretty good vid, the thing is that you had some un needed kills there that weren't really worth vidding.. But still good, 4/5.


Edits are good, just show some more kills and less jerking around ;). Make it a exiting vid to watch, now it looks like some clips added together with some edits to fit the music.


yeah, thanks for the tips and stuff :) im workin through my clips i got a few hundred lol, so :D but thanks for watchin :}


Stopped half way through.

Mate.. Save up your clips dont just bloody put every kill you get into the vid.. Like every clips was below and 20 ko, who wants to see that. Also crop the time limit of your kills, got very boring. And unless its an ancient stat or something, you dont need to let us see the loot for any time period imo.

Just some CC, I aint being harsh, my views.


Stopped half way through.

Mate.. Save up your clips dont just bloody put every kill you get into the vid.. Like every clips was below and 20 ko, who wants to see that. Also crop the time limit of your kills, got very boring. And unless its an ancient stat or something, you dont need to let us see the loot for any time period imo.

Just some CC, I aint being harsh, my views.

sorry dewd will make the next one alot better, thanks for the constructive criticism :}


My only suggestion is don't put in clips that aren't kills :p

Tighten it up a bit, it was nice :)

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