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Modern Warfare 2


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Okay everyone knows this was going to a big hit game. Everyone wanted it ASAP.

Me myself, not wanting to be left out, had to get it soon as possible aswell. I've played Call of Duty 4 for quite a while and recently completed it on Veteran. Now, I know theres alot of new things on MW2 but oh dear.. is it just me or does Campaign Regular difficulty seem too hard?

COD4 Veteran, was tough. Although in that it was just the matter of getting the timing right of flashbangs, where to run and when to run.

on MW2 Im on regular seeing as its my first time, and Im defending the house when your getting Intel. It seems all the enemy troops enter through every direction and flood the house, seeing as your suggested to use light SMGs with scopes by someone, I did but they take forever to reload. Anyone else find some parts rediculously hard on Regular?

No comments like 'you must be shit' please. ;)

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I've yet to get it but it seems interesting.

My friend skipped school with his friend and stayed at his dad's house and then went to go buy it and play it at his house. Apparently it must be good for him to do that. :lol:

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I've yet to get it but it seems interesting.

My friend skipped school with his friend and stayed at his dad's house and then went to go buy it and play it at his house. Apparently it must be good for him to do that. :lol:

Dont get me wrong, I think the games immense. Campaign is great and lots of new ideas. Online is totally different with also lots of new things its just I seem to be having a difficulty problem?  :unsure2:

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Sorry but, you must be shit, im not even good at COD and i've done that on regular, never even played the game online etc etc, i got recommended veteran at the start for some reason, challenge was way too easy this time 'round.

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was that mission at the airport supposed to be in america? they jus walk in and start mowing down civilians..

I didn't like that mission much..until the Po-po came :D

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Idk I only did the first mission and proceeded to multiplayer. Played on regular too and it didn't seem too hard.

Btw there is a gaming board for a reason.

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Played it at a mates house online. Quality tbh.

Though I neva bover with the compaigns sorry. Find em proper boring.

And I love the riot shield lmfaooo its well fun.

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was that mission at the airport supposed to be in america? they jus walk in and start mowing down civilians..

No, it's in russia.

Yeah the missions are really difficult even on the lowest difficulty becuase of the fact that there's like 872 enemies on each part, it's dumb.

I think online is amazing, best game ive ever played, blows cod4 away. only level 32 so far though so i've not had a chance to try all the guns :p

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Migrating from the first one to this one was way different; It's a lot harder, and I don't like how I'm lvl 16 being matched up with people in the 40s and 50s who have like M16s already and shit... It's just not fair lol

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Okay, a bit of a backstory..this is my first COD game that i've played, and I've played a few missions on the campaign, and then went to online mode thinking that it would be SOMEWHAT realistic...now I ask you...why or how can people get some of the stupidest shots off, but I hammer some dude's face with rounds and I don't get the kill....

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Okay, a bit of a backstory..this is my first COD game that i've played, and I've played a few missions on the campaign, and then went to online mode thinking that it would be SOMEWHAT realistic...now I ask you...why or how can people get some of the stupidest shots off, but I hammer some dude's face with rounds and I don't get the kill....

lol aim for the chest, not the head, you'll get use to it

and riot shield is funny, the guys will be walking towards me so i just stick them on the shield with my symptec sticky grenade. GG

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Okay, a bit of a backstory..this is my first COD game that i've played, and I've played a few missions on the campaign, and then went to online mode thinking that it would be SOMEWHAT realistic...now I ask you...why or how can people get some of the stupidest shots off, but I hammer some dude's face with rounds and I don't get the kill....

lol aim for the chest, not the head, you'll get use to it

and riot shield is funny, the guys will be walking towards me so i just stick them on the shield with my symptec sticky grenade. GG

Fucking never thought of that lol, some guy goes to check me with his shield and I'm sitting there like a fucking dumbass thinking it'll break if I shoot it enough, like in TimeCrisis.

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Okay, a bit of a backstory..this is my first COD game that i've played, and I've played a few missions on the campaign, and then went to online mode thinking that it would be SOMEWHAT realistic...now I ask you...why or how can people get some of the stupidest shots off, but I hammer some dude's face with rounds and I don't get the kill....

lol aim for the chest, not the head, you'll get use to it

and riot shield is funny, the guys will be walking towards me so i just stick them on the shield with my symptec sticky grenade. GG

Fucking never thought of that lol, some guy goes to check me with his shield and I'm sitting there like a fucking dumbass thinking it'll break if I shoot it enough, like in TimeCrisis.

lmao, I've never had somebody come up to me with a shield, but if they do, i'll keep this in mind..."Don't sit there looking like a dumbass"

Thanks  :victory: :nice:

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