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A mather of witchcraft


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Lately I've been pretty bored and have been thinking about playing on my pure again, which isn't high leveled because training in f2p is so god damn boring and I haven't been playing on him much.

I've been thinking on getting him p2p, but I have to make a decision of what kind of pure I should make.

When I started the account I was thinking of an ancient ranger, because I really liked playing it in the old wild. After a while I thought, maybe ancient rangers are not as effective as they used to be, which gave me alot of new options.

This is a picture of the account and it's stats.

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So now I would like to know from you... What would make a good pure?

I was thinking of ancients to melee, but I'm not sure.

Please aswell post what I have to do after I get p2p. quests, training methods etc.

Also, what do I have to do ( or not to do) to let the account keep 13 prayer?

Thanks in advance.  ^_^


On prayer - Usually you do Priest in Peril and Restless Ghost so you can get ava's and do DT. That takes you up to 15 prayer. I just kept mine there. It isn't much higher than 13. Other pures just do Restless Ghost and then train prayer up to 13, and ditch ava's and access to canafis for 2 less pray levels. Range is pretty important and mage is usually necessary. If you want to f2p single or get access to more options in p2p then get melee. It will just mean more hitpoints and effort.


I am 40 Attack, 85 Strength, 90 Range, 84 HP, 1 Prayer & Defence. 65 CB. Love it :D Own F2PEE!


60 90 90 94

was thinking of this exactly.

thanks guys.  :wub:


50 99 99 99

can see how u like 50 attack then if u dont get 60


Get it in parts,

20 80 1 70 80 15 82 1 (corrupted vls, 59 cmb)

50 90 1 80 90 15 82 1 (gmaul. cmb 67)

60 90 1 80 90 31 94 1 (dscim, cmb 72)

After that go max out ;)


Do dt, that gets 11 pray, then bury bones too 13, or do animal magnetism for 15.


Okay, I do know what stats I will be going for in the long term now.

I really want to do DT. Though I'd like to stay at 13 prayer. I don't care about Ava's really, so I don't care if I don't have one.

Now the question is. What quests will I have to do? and which ones who are handy can't I do?

The idea is to get something like this, guessing he did DT though, seeing his stats.

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Get it in parts,

20 80 1 70 80 15 82 1 (corrupted vls, 59 cmb)

50 90 1 80 90 15 82 1 (gmaul. cmb 67)

60 90 1 80 90 31 94 1 (dscim, cmb 72)

After that go max out ;)


Okay, I do know what stats I will be going for in the long term now.

I really want to do DT. Though I'd like to stay at 13 prayer. I don't care about Ava's really, so I don't care if I don't have one.

Now the question is. What quests will I have to do? and which ones who are handy can't I do?

The idea is to get something like this, guessing he did DT though, seeing his stats.

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Yeah Steroids has done dt.

These are just a few i can think of:

monkey madness

lost city

mountain daughter

recipe for disaster

death plateu

horror from deep

desert treasure

enhakras lament


roving elves

if i think of more ill post


Hi lol. Yeh I've done DT. Not hard at all. Good choice if you want an acc like that haha.

Tip: If you PK drags alot I'd get 60 atk, however if you rarely pk drags I'd suggest staying 50. Hence I could have 99 strength instead of 90. However I do half n half so 60 suits me.


Hi lol. Yeh I've done DT. Not hard at all. Good choice if you want an acc like that haha.

Tip: If you PK drags alot I'd get 60 atk, however if you rarely pk drags I'd suggest staying 50. Hence I could have 99 strength instead of 90. However I do half n half so 60 suits me.

Thanks.  ^_^

And yeah, I was thinking of getting 60. In love with the ancients to dds combo, so.  :lol:

Yeah Steroids has done dt.

These are just a few i can think of:

monkey madness

lost city

mountain daughter

recipe for disaster

death plateu

horror from deep

desert treasure

enhakras lament


roving elves

if i think of more ill post

Thanks alot, I really needed a quest list.  :D

Ya basically good model you picked, but the only thing that account lacked of was HP.. It looked like that account should have like 85 minimum.

But something like shit would rip.

60 att

90 str.. str is your k0 weapon.. aka dds/gmaul/claws

1 def

13 prayer (you could get 44.. Don't make much of a difference imo)

90-99 range... range would be your main weapon.

94 mage

That would be a nice account.


Yes well I sw'd lol.


Ya basically good model you picked, but the only thing that account lacked of was HP.. It looked like that account should have like 85 minimum.

But something like shit would rip.

60 att

90 str.. str is your k0 weapon.. aka dds/gmaul/claws

1 def

13 prayer (you could get 44.. Don't make much of a difference imo)

90-99 range... range would be your main weapon.

94 mage

That would be a nice account.

That was what I was thinking about exactly.

Don't think I'll do sw, because I don't find it fun, but yeah, once the normal training gets lame i probably won't have another option. ;)

Thanks for the help guys. Appreciated alot.  ^_^


ok heres what you should do

get 82/70 mage 70-80 range and 1 prayer

then leave your att on 20 and use statius/vesta weapons

ull own hard trust me :)


60 attack 90 str 90 range 94 magic.... (my goals) :P


I am aiming for the 50 99 99 99, just so that you can max out with balanced stats. Gmaul is all I will ever need im pretty sure.

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