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Dragon claws is gay as fuck



I dont think the combat pots will act as ovls they initially came out to save invent spaces for pvmers etc. And making a torstol needed for the pot is just to try and make them useful now because its dead content atm


Wtf that's pretty stupid. They should have just released pre eoc server. Oldschool is just about the same shit minus curses now but just looks shittier lol


D claws?


no thanks jeff

King Scarfie

Cross bow looks awsome.. may have to get herb up for pots..


nice but i don't like the c bow look there


nice but i don't like the c bow look there


Don't like it either but it's better than the current one, but this is too spiky looking or something.


yeah im not too sure i actually like the new design for acb yet


yeah im not too sure i actually like the new design for acb yet

you gotta be kidding me guys. That design is amazing.

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