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07Rs ingame voting poll

ilx ace ilx

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Is looking to be a real success!!


already 28,174 votes !!!!


thoughts, opinions, appreciate your 2cents :D


They put it with the Artisan poll so all the noobs would vote yes to it.


Idk what to say about that skill.


They put it with the Artisan poll so all the noobs would vote yes to it.


Idk what to say about that skill.

but its not looking too well for those 'noobs' you are speaking of :p


they should repoll grand exchange


First time I ever voted for updates I never gave a fuck about them and was too lazy to hop on forums etc etc for them but this time it was easy so I did it l3l.


Only started playing again today but it seems a helpful feature.


alrighty then...

I J3r I Pur3

forums r gay


Where is it ingame

Ready Ok FOE

what is it even about


what is it even about


Shite, logged in saw it and logged out again


i think alot more people will vote in game rather then on site


First time I ever voted for updates I never gave a fuck about them and was too lazy to hop on forums etc etc for them but this time it was easy so I did it l3l.


good work :D im proud of you

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