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Is it worth to start over again


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Posted (edited)

... as f2p ?


Is F2p pure pking active?


How many players are online?


Are there still Pure Clans active? (F2p)


Can you join Foe as f2p?


What are some useful tips if you want to start completly f2p?


Can you start as f2p only or do you still have to pay membership in order to play RS?


Thanks for the time ~


edit: if this is in the wrong section mods pls

Edited by 33th

Pretty sure F2P pking is dead, but F2P clanning might be worth it I guess.


Uhm , if you would join Foe I think it's better to work on both P2P & F2P. But there are some F2P clans I think I'm not sure. Ask around.


The game isn't even f2p.

If you make a new account wich never has been p2p you can play f2p :)


Pretty sure F2P pking is dead, but F2P clanning might be worth it I guess.

i'm sorry you must not think before you speak, are you actually mentally challenged? 


Come over to foe :D


you have to pay for the f2p worlds so just start a pure and join foe


you have to pay for the f2p worlds so just start a pure and join foe



good luck with whatever you decide.


play the game for urself or for the clan and community and friends ^


im starting over, i haad an oldschool acc but it got banned it was 90 att 96 str 20 def 81 range 79 mage

King Scarfie

If you cant be bothered to pay irl for members just buy a bond of somone in game..

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