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where the hot bitches at?


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Foe for the most part is a sausage fest. where all the bitches?


This is a Runescape oriented forum.. do you seriously expect smoking hot girls here? :wow:


They all died when RS Classic died.


This is a Runescape oriented forum.. do you seriously expect smoking hot girls here? :wow:

yea, where's the boobies?!?


um go outside your house and ull see a gurl


#troowhipisgay for the ladies

fag, that died. no one goes in there


True DAT. Where teh fuck the bitches at?

Chill The Fuck Out

Ele isn't a (hot) chick


um go outside your house and ull see a gurl

go to a library, you'll see a dictionary.


dont worry ph33r is here to rescue


im sure ph33r will solve this problem l0l  :omg:


um go outside your house and ull see a gurl

go to a library, you'll see a dictionary.

Go to the shop, ull see crisps


Its ass holes like you who keep them away.

Try using a bit of respect you ass hole.


Its ass holes like you who keep them away.

Try using a bit of respect you ass hole.

hey why don't you go choke on dick


Ele isn't a (hot) chick

How would you know.. Don't critiscise someones personal appearance over the internet


Go to the Hot Girls topic and you'll see girls.

um go outside your house and ull see a gurl

go to a library, you'll see a dictionary.

Go to Microsoft Word and type words and watch as they capitalize.


um go outside your house and ull see a gurl

go to a library, you'll see a dictionary.

Go to the shop, ull see crisps

Go to the Deli, ull see cold meats

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