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Is it time to lean bulk? Whats my body fat percentage%


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After 10 months of supposedly being diet concious your gains seem really lacklustre. Are you counting your calories / macros? Lots of people think they are eating a lot but really aren't. Eat more.

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Yeah i forgot to say, during that dirty bulk i  was still new to the gym, I had no concept of macros or what ever, I just ate as much as possible.  However when i decided to cut I knew I had to strip off all the fat and fluffy muscle so now I think its probably time for me to lean bulk up with a 50/30/20 split

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After 10 months of supposedly being diet concious your gains seem really lacklustre. Are you counting your calories / macros? Lots of people think they are eating a lot but really aren't. Eat more.


Why would you even count your calories and macros as a beginner lol, just freaking damn eat anything you want (if you are an ectomorph) to make at least 6 normal meals per day 

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yes it's time.


btw are you like 5ft2? either that or huge head. either way i would jump on some serious gear in the future LOL, looking pretty ridiculous atm. it's most evident on your back pics.




After 10 months of supposedly being diet concious your gains seem really lacklustre. Are you counting your calories / macros? Lots of people think they are eating a lot but really aren't. Eat more.


Why would you even count your calories and macros as a beginner lol, just freaking damn eat anything you want (if you are an ectomorph) to make at least 6 normal meals per day 


because for these scrawny "ectomorphs" with their girl appetites, eating "anything they want" consists of like 1.5k calories. but amongst the 1.5k calories they had 1 donut so it's automatically a dirty bulk



























instead of losing the fat by dieting you should have just turned your fat into muscle. Goodluck bulking though. keep it up! 

yeah that's what i would of done ffs idiots these days

Edited by Steroids
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isnt fat and muscle 2 different lol.


how can one turn fat into muscle if they are not the same.


i ask myself same every morning

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isnt fat and muscle 2 different lol.


how can one turn fat into muscle if they are not the same.







yeah u can't lmao, this is the most hilarious thing that people actually believe bar none

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No, lol.. what?


I said anything they want counting the fact that they are doing 6 normal meals per day, unless you are a super retarded boy that begins doing gym and doesnt realize that his metabolism wont get better unless he eats more consistently, but other than that, there is no need to count ur macros as a beginner, that was my point






















Edited by So_easy99
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And in my honest opinion your body has potential @@Barchy, not sure why people are recommending you to take shit (i also dunno your goals in the matter) but you can easily build up a good body if you just do your shit right, and by doing your shit right I dont mean counting macros, leave that to whenever your body is in a good form and you want it to get even better, for now just eat dude, and dont even try to do a bulking-cutting separated phases. You are a damn ectomorph, you dont need to do that, just do the both at the sametime, make sure to eat 6meals per day and try to do cardio 4 days a week for 10minutes after every single workout, also, if you need the extra help, buy a gainer

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After 10 months of supposedly being diet concious your gains seem really lacklustre. Are you counting your calories / macros? Lots of people think they are eating a lot but really aren't. Eat more.


Why would you even count your calories and macros as a beginner lol, just freaking damn eat anything you want (if you are an ectomorph) to make at least 6 normal meals per day

Why would you not count calories and macros? It takes up less then 5 minutes of your time per day and is a huge help. You sound really uneducated on the matter and probably eat like 1k calories/day, curl 1kg in the power rack and get confused why you stay tiny.


And in my honest opinion your body has potential @@Barchy, not sure why people are recommending you to take shit (i also dunno your goals in the matter) but you can easily build up a good body if you just do your shit right, and by doing your shit right I dont mean counting macros, leave that to whenever your body is in a good form and you want it to get even better, for now just eat dude, and dont even try to do a bulking-cutting separated phases. You are a damn ectomorph, you dont need to do that, just do the both at the sametime, make sure to eat 6meals per day and try to do cardio 4 days a week for 10minutes after every single workout, also, if you need the extra help, buy a gainer



This post is just completely retarded.

Edited by Trutt
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After 10 months of supposedly being diet concious your gains seem really lacklustre. Are you counting your calories / macros? Lots of people think they are eating a lot but really aren't. Eat more.


Why would you even count your calories and macros as a beginner lol, just freaking damn eat anything you want (if you are an ectomorph) to make at least 6 normal meals per day


Why would you not count calories and macros? It takes up less then 5 minutes of your time per day and is a huge help. You sound really uneducated on the matter and probably eat like 1k calories/day, curl 1kg in the power rack and get confused why you stay tiny.


And in my honest opinion your body has potential @@Barchy, not sure why people are recommending you to take shit (i also dunno your goals in the matter) but you can easily build up a good body if you just do your shit right, and by doing your shit right I dont mean counting macros, leave that to whenever your body is in a good form and you want it to get even better, for now just eat dude, and dont even try to do a bulking-cutting separated phases. You are a damn ectomorph, you dont need to do that, just do the both at the sametime, make sure to eat 6meals per day and try to do cardio 4 days a week for 10minutes after every single workout, also, if you need the extra help, buy a gainer



This post is just completely retarded.



Retarded is the fact that you bros probably dont even train longer than 2 years and are trying to act mature on this matter thinking that counting macros will change significantly the way how your body will grow in the first months/first year. As a beginner you just need consistency and motivation to keep going, and then, once you find what works out the best for you and your body, you can do that for sure, fucking obvious

Edited by So_easy99
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you just said he should bulk and cut at the same time because hes an ectomorph


Is t the first time that you hear that in your life? Or do you actually believe that you must bulk and cut separately every single time lol

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and by doing your shit right I dont mean counting macros, leave that to whenever your body is in a good form and you want it to get even better, for now just eat dude, and dont even try to do a bulking-cutting separated phases. You are a damn ectomorph, you dont need to do that, just do the both at the sametime, make sure to eat 6meals per day and try to do cardio 4 days a week for 10minutes after every single workout, also, if you need the extra help, buy a gainer


inb4 he spins his wheels for the next 5 years @@DeltaPapa


such a stupid post. how about for 1 week you go on google scholar and read research papers in this field during your allotted 10 minutes of cardio. then afterwards simply return here to cringe whilst re-reading your posts. and then return again once more in a years time to apologise to the kingpig whilst wanking over your newly acquired broscience-free gains.

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tbh mate u sound like a fuckin ectomorph and i aint dnt take dem srsly lmao fkin ectomorphs these days do u even meso brb born like a fridge































you just said he should bulk and cut at the same time because hes an ectomorph



Edited by Steroids
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