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Whats going on with foe this past month?

Ix Foe hoe Ix

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Ix Foe hoe Ix

Hey guys im a very loyal ex foe member and im trying to see whats going on with the clan. I havent seen much on pk trips yet i know foe has recently closed but then reopened? i havent seen much and im curious to know whats happening. Im currently working very hard to get my pure back into foe but idk if foe is a choice without knowing whats going on. 

Danny The Great

We're closing. Again.


Apparently closing for the 500th time in some people's eyes, 1st time in others.

Ix Foe hoe Ix

Hard to see this in my eyes for such a good clan to close :( 


can i get members board access back again now ty


ur a community that happens to do events now and then and just gets slaughtered. 


We have sleepovers at Tonys house


if foe closes now its fot the 2ND time :p

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