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Fatality Pk Video: Fatality Forever

K4rils Jr

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id watch if the video didnt FUCKING SUCK


It was pretty good  :nice:


It looks like you guys need about 3 times more clips to work with, they just weren't that good..maybe for one person's video, okay, but this is the first video of an entire clan, it should have better clips..


i watched it, and i enjoyed it, loved the music choices, i thought it was all 1 person pking tho, was like all 20 def pkers :s and myb next time a beter intro >.> 3/5


good vid 5/5...bit over edited though but i dont mind that much..


Editing was good, but the clips wasn't all that good. Not sure if you guys rushed it, but try to get some better clips to match the good editing. 3/5


Im pretty bad at this game. Ken you move to correct section i guess lOL


For a clan video I expected a lot better, should have a plethora of clips which are amazing but some just seemed "ok" instead and could have been left out.

Also, it was good that the editing fit the music but it was way too flashy and "shakey".


it wasnt bad exactly but the clips were mostly average and got quite boring too. there wasnt rly any variation either, not a lot of hybridding and there was basically no loot piles showing even tho i saw an ancient stat in 1 clip (pretty sure)

as for the editting, it was pretty annoying sumtimes with the shaking and it would also have been nice 2 c ppls names on their clips



For a clan video I would have expected it to be better. It seemed to be just a few people getting the kills. Overall it was alright. The editing was a bit overdone. 3.5/5


It can better, 3/5.

I liked Fatality Project Video moar.


could've been way better, 3/5

Tom (Rendition)

Editting was alright, music was alright.  But to be honest, standard of the clips wasn't very good.  Should of spendt more time collecting clips tbh.


There was like 10 good clips and all the other clips were really shit lol. Editing and music was ok..


3/5 i think vid was rushed, you could've used better clips, and named the pkers


id watch if the video didnt FUCKING SUCK

LOL  :wow:

I'll watch and edit :nice:


Wtf fi still alive

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