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Fatality Pk Video: Fatality Forever

K4rils Jr

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wasn't to bad of a vid everyones just being harsh just things to improve on are use more pkers you only use 10 or so out of your clan and get rid of bad ko clips even if it means making the vid 6mins long 4.5/5 - 4/5  ^_^


:S aaaaa i say it was a 2/5 soz just didnt find it interesting i saw the same person over and over again


Intro: 4/10

Hits: 5/10

Editing: 6/10

Music: 5/10

Was good variation of weapons although coulda used an extra touch on the editing seeing as it was a clan - some people like seeing names so that they know people in the clan/know who to meet etc...

Had too much from 20 defence pkers also

overall 5/10 - needs improvement.


the editing wasnt too good, the clips seemed like you had posted a topic saying "send us all clips you have even if its a 12 hit k0" and for a CLAN pking video i would have expected you name the pkers, and put more effort into it

if i considered joining FI id look for more then an average pk fight, sorry 6/10


Fatality - Dieing Clan Forever.


I liked it :) Good Job


sucked ass, a lvl 60 can make a vid with higher hits in a month


The sooner you guys die the better. I hope this video does the exact opposite and makes you die faster so I don't have to worry about seeing our shit ripped and painted green.


I wish I could see the names of the pkers :(


I thought it was pretty good :)


id watch if the video didnt FUCKING SUCK


id watch if the video didnt FUCKING SUCK

Adam | LayDown

it was just another pk vid... when clans have pk vids u must make them unique, b4 making ur next 1 go watch foe's or mm's, or even tlp's vids


Editing was good, but the clips wasn't all that good. Not sure if you guys rushed it, but try to get some better clips to match the good editing. 3/5

exactly except for 4/5 rate ;O


pretty shit

ultra for the first zerk to join foe pls. ;D

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