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Officially Signing Off


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With no interest in the game or 95% of the discussions on these forums I'm officially signing off.

Obviously I haven't been seen in any boards other than TBFF and this is just a topic to let some of you know where to find me if you want to play any types of games other than runescape.

I'll be on a TS with some old FOE people and lots of cs:go / arma3 life / league players where I usually hang out if I have nothing going on irl to have a good time, pm if you want in on it we mess around with all types of games.

Pm me for my steam name as well and my league name is Niqqasaurus but I won't add you if I do not know who you are so shoot me a pm.

I felt as though I wanted to leave an official goodbye to these forums as I have been apart of them for around 3 years now, lots of memories but everything comes to and ultimately and its time for me to depart.

Goodluck and have fun to anyone that plays runescape still and if these forums miraculously get interesting again I'll make appearances.

It's been a pleasure guys,

~ Lileh

Edited by Dizzy
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