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Runescape is dying. For those who are looking for their next adventure in a new game let me try to sell you Albion Online.


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Albion Online is the next upcoming massive FULL LOOT sandbox F2P MMORPG game. It is also the first cross-platform MMO so you can play it on your Android or IOS tablets.  It has many similar features to runescape like character classless customization but it is very unique in it's own way. The game focuses on Player Interaction with Player vs Player being a big part in the game. The game also features their unique territory Guild vs Guild warfare system and much more.  

Here are the Multiple game trailers that goes more in depth.

The game is currently in its Alpha Stages and it is planned to be  released early next year. Again the game is planned to be FREE TO PLAY at release. However, you can take part of the many huge alpha tests if you support the devs and buy a founders pack . A winter alpha is planned for next month, and these tests usually last 3-6 weeks and is a blast to be in.

There is more info on this game on their official website and the Develepors are really active on their forums , facebook, and steam greenlight page. (Yes the game will be released on steam as well.)

Runescape is a dying game. There have been no signs of player population increasing for months and the only hope for it to happen was to release f2p but jagex was too greedy to do so. Now is the time to expand your options and look to move on to the future and this is the perfect game for transitioning Runescape players. With RS membership prices increasing I know many of you are quitting the game and I believe this game will satisfy all of your desires for an MMORPG.


I lead one of the top PvP guilds in Albion Online, and I believe that Final Ownage Elite should start looking into creating a branch in their guild to play this game if they ever want to compete with other guilds when the game is released. If one of the higher ups here are interested, I am in touch with one of the developers I can maybe score you guys some free keys to play next alpha test as a Guild. Their next alpha test starts this monday January 26th.

Edited by skytea
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I do not know specifically if you are allowed to advertise on these forums. I did not want to edit out your entire topic because it seemed like it took a lot of effort but please remove the hyperlinks unless admin-approved. 

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For those of you who don't believe Runescape is dying you gotta look a the facts. When was the last time OSRS broke 30k players? All jagex has to do to increase player base is make it f2p but they refuse to because they claim "insufficient funding". Well how about you guys look at the comments of this post about jagex's new game failing yet again after millions in investment.


Here is what it says

"I really wish that I could say I'm surprised, but this is simply just history repeating itself yet again. It further reinforces my 


belief that Jagex needs to focus solely on the game it has, and stop investing millions into games that fail time and time again.

Let's take a quick look at Jagex's game list, besides RS:

  • FunOrb (2008) - Development on FunOrb was silently shut down in 2010. Not a single word was said about it. There was a single game released, out of nowhere, this year, which was a developers pet project off and on since the start of FunOrb (not a revival).
  • 8Realms (2011) - Jagex's attempt to jump on the social game wave in the wake of games like Farmville. After just over a year, and millions of dollars in costs, was closed because it was not successful.
  • Mechscape - Completed, but scrapped, as the finished project "didn't meet the quality standards of the original design" (how does that even happen?).
  • Stellar Dawn - Announced with huge fanfare as a reboot of MechScape, an announcement trailer was released in 2010, which had a target release for 2011. After being delayed to 2012, Jagex announced that it would be "paused" (read: cancelled), in favor of Transformers Universe.
  • Ace of Spades (2012) [publisher] - AoS was a widely played indie game, that Jagex silently bought to help fund in 2011 or early 2012. In 2012, they announced that they would be publishing it as a full featured game on Steam. Unfortunately, Jagex decided to put their "creative spin" on the game, which changed the game severely. This game has widely been received as a failure and an insult, but there are a few players still.
  • Mobile Games - Games released on Mobile platforms include Bouncedown, StarCannon, Miner Disturbance, and Undercroft. All but Undercroft were re-releases of existing FunOrb games. I can't imagine many people still play these.
  • War of Legends (2010) [publisher] - An MMORTS, I haven't heard a single thing about this game since release. I have no idea how active it is today. This was also Jagex's first game to use Microtransactions.

After looking at all those games, we can see a pretty obvious pattern. Games developed by Jagex fail. Games published by Jagex do poorly, but most are still around. I'm not sure if we can contribute failure to games solely published by Jagex, except Ace of Spades, which was changed extremely by Jagex.

So please, Jagex, I'm begging of you. You have a horrible track record for your games development history. Stick with what you know and do best: RuneScape. Stop investing millions upon millions in all these games that, as history has shown, do not lead anywhere.

Start investing the money gained from RS back into RS. Spend the money to revitalize the game, bring old content up to date, rebalance/rework the skills (You know, the CORE of the game). Invest more in advertising. Invest more in a proper customer support team. Invest more in proper fansite support, that isn't run by an extremely biased leader of RuneZone.

Please, Jagex. Listen for once."




Jagex increases membership prices because they have to make up for their failures, and guess what none of that money is going to OSRS. Oldschool runescape will die within 3 years.

Edited by Danny The Great
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if you give me all the best gear and make me the richest person in the game sure x

Dont forget about maxing us out, I want 120 dung also!

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༼ຈ ل͜ຈ༽ノ☂ ɪᴛs ʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ sᴀʟᴛ! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ☂ ヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ


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Danny The Great

Edited out all the rattus hyperlinks. I'm also not sure if you're allowed to advertise/sell a game, but i'll leave that down to the admins or whatever.

Edited by Danny The Great
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Edited out all the rattus hyperlinks. I'm also not sure if you're allowed to advertise/sell a game, but i'll leave that down to the admins or whatever.



I asked the topic creator to yknow... basically not ignore me ;D 

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don't have to allow the hyperlinks, you were right to ask him to remove em, but why say no advertisement lol


googled the game and it looks like runescape/league mixed into one and i actually think if on release its executed well we could try it


not that i would have the time

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