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Sim Skilla's Goals/Achievements, + A question.

Sim Skilla

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First off I'll just start with some of my Goals/Achievements that I'm looking for in the career of 'Sim Skilla's' days.

1/1 attack(WOOT)

32/99 strength(fail)

33/(around 60)hitpoints (fail)

44/99 ranged (decent)

1/1 defence

1/1 prayer

1/1 summoning

Atleast two 99 skills ( Cooking, Theiving, Woodcutting, ETC )


Only, I have a question of you guys...

I recently got hacked, ( was pking and got DDoS'd, then i go a virus )

and I got wiped, lost all my stuff, atleast they didn't fuck with my fail skills.

Anyways, I was looking at some bank pictures, and some of you guys have like... 50m+, my question, is HOW / WHAT do you do to get that money. Don't say PvP, because how did you get the money for PvP.


I will keep this updated.

~Sim Skilla ( P 5trength K )


pick snape grass till you get money to pk lol


I checked out some vids on YT about it, definatly going to try it if its 500k+ an hour.


for money, when people say pking/pvp they probably just eped and kill targs/76kd.

Some other ways that are easy are...




farming (herbs)


pretty much any skill will give you money you just gotta be patient

you could also try flipping/merching but i dont recommend doing it unless you know what to do.


ehmmm i heard the word cookies ^^ WERE were


farming and mined p ess to 10m cash, targ killed for two weeks streight, came out with a 100m bank


for money, when people say pking/pvp they probably just eped and kill targs/76kd.

Some other ways that are easy are...




farming (herbs)


pretty much any skill will give you money you just gotta be patient

you could also try flipping/merching but i dont recommend doing it unless you know what to do.

Main ways, you can do things like avansies, fire giants are kinda desent money like 100k/150k an hour but good xp, also do stuff like air orbs for training mage etc


str.. 30-40 cows (the cowhides will get u 50kish)

Attack: i Reccomend that you get at least 20. 1 ATtack fails in my view. Corrupt is Ftw

Aviansies is not possible, you only want 1 pray.

Remember. Hybrids main weapon throughout PvP is range. Have that little higher than your str. Aim for 70 range at first.

The first levels should be at rock crabs. have fun.


After failing and accidently getting defence w/o knwoing it, ima just start a new account, i had shared XP attacks on, and I was letting my bro play ( he was begging ) so I let him, and he clicked shared xp, and ended up getting 34 fricken def levels in a day.


g3t d0wnned is my new account.

Im going for same goals / achievements though, and ima just stick to doing white berries for now , 250k an hour no req's.




Doesnt summoning get a shitload of CB levels though? :x


Summoning doesn't affect in bh/pvp. Yeh, but how does a lvl 30 get DDoS'd lol?

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