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~ Grand Anime Thread ~


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I Finished naruto,currently watching bleach/one piece both read mangas and i finished Attack on titan and im currently watching Hunter x Hunter (Halfway Done)


moni why you no mention


enjoy hunter x hunter it's 'mazin 



Ye I finished Hunter x Hunter recently, and now we just need to wait for the mangaka.


He had a cirurgy and is still recovering.



Neverthless, the epicness is only beginning.


Idk so far Attack on Titan was prob the best quality anime but I was keeping up with Naruto for 5 years so that's always gonna be my #1. Bleach is awsome cause it's based off of a action plot and one piece is more adventure but the main goal of one piece won't be achieved for atleast another year. Honestly I still haven't realized the whole point of bleach yet.



Hum, you cant really compare a shonen with attack on titan, different type of mangas and animes. But I agree that Attack on titan quality was really good, but there are more high quality animes out there, look it out :) fate zero is good quality for example


Also, One Piece main goal wont be achieved for at least another year, you say? I am not sure what goal you are talking about but one piece is like 65% from finishing, which means at least 6 more years






I Finished naruto,currently watching bleach/one piece both read mangas and i finished Attack on titan and im currently watching Hunter x Hunter (Halfway Done)


moni why you no mention


enjoy hunter x hunter it's 'mazin 



Ye I finished Hunter x Hunter recently, and now we just need to wait for the mangaka.


He had a cirurgy and is still recovering.



Neverthless, the epicness is only beginning.


Idk so far Attack on Titan was prob the best quality anime but I was keeping up with Naruto for 5 years so that's always gonna be my #1. Bleach is awsome cause it's based off of a action plot and one piece is more adventure but the main goal of one piece won't be achieved for atleast another year. Honestly I still haven't realized the whole point of bleach yet.



Hum, you cant really compare a shonen with attack on titan, different type of mangas and animes. But I agree that Attack on titan quality was really good, but there are more high quality animes out there, look it out :) fate zero is good quality for example


Also, One Piece main goal wont be achieved for at least another year, you say? I am not sure what goal you are talking about but one piece is like 65% from finishing, which means at least 6 more years


Luffy's goal in one piece was to be pirate kIng i was wondering about Ichigo's goal in "Bleach". Also Idk how one piece will survive for another 6 years jesus it feels like the series barely progresses. 







I Finished naruto,currently watching bleach/one piece both read mangas and i finished Attack on titan and im currently watching Hunter x Hunter (Halfway Done)


moni why you no mention


enjoy hunter x hunter it's 'mazin 



Ye I finished Hunter x Hunter recently, and now we just need to wait for the mangaka.


He had a cirurgy and is still recovering.



Neverthless, the epicness is only beginning.


Idk so far Attack on Titan was prob the best quality anime but I was keeping up with Naruto for 5 years so that's always gonna be my #1. Bleach is awsome cause it's based off of a action plot and one piece is more adventure but the main goal of one piece won't be achieved for atleast another year. Honestly I still haven't realized the whole point of bleach yet.



Hum, you cant really compare a shonen with attack on titan, different type of mangas and animes. But I agree that Attack on titan quality was really good, but there are more high quality animes out there, look it out :) fate zero is good quality for example


Also, One Piece main goal wont be achieved for at least another year, you say? I am not sure what goal you are talking about but one piece is like 65% from finishing, which means at least 6 more years


Luffy's goal in one piece was to be pirate kIng i was wondering about Ichigo's goal in "Bleach". Also Idk how one piece will survive for another 6 years jesus it feels like the series barely progresses. 



It is a shonen, I am impressed that you like Naruto that much considering that "barely progressing" was a naruto thing

Posted (edited)







I Finished naruto,currently watching bleach/one piece both read mangas and i finished Attack on titan and im currently watching Hunter x Hunter (Halfway Done)


moni why you no mention


enjoy hunter x hunter it's 'mazin 



Ye I finished Hunter x Hunter recently, and now we just need to wait for the mangaka.


He had a cirurgy and is still recovering.



Neverthless, the epicness is only beginning.


Idk so far Attack on Titan was prob the best quality anime but I was keeping up with Naruto for 5 years so that's always gonna be my #1. Bleach is awsome cause it's based off of a action plot and one piece is more adventure but the main goal of one piece won't be achieved for atleast another year. Honestly I still haven't realized the whole point of bleach yet.



Hum, you cant really compare a shonen with attack on titan, different type of mangas and animes. But I agree that Attack on titan quality was really good, but there are more high quality animes out there, look it out :) fate zero is good quality for example


Also, One Piece main goal wont be achieved for at least another year, you say? I am not sure what goal you are talking about but one piece is like 65% from finishing, which means at least 6 more years


Luffy's goal in one piece was to be pirate kIng i was wondering about Ichigo's goal in "Bleach". Also Idk how one piece will survive for another 6 years jesus it feels like the series barely progresses. 



It is a shonen, I am impressed that you like Naruto that much considering that "barely progressing" was a naruto thing




Watch ghost in the shell for quality anime. Watch Black Lagoon for quality anime. Watch Darker Than Black for quality anime. Naruto and OP are the things that save me when i have a sleepless night, that stuff is like a coma drug for me.


i bet durarara 2x is hyped as fuck aswell, heard it had 8,5 ratign on MAL before it even came out lmao. Has anybody actually seen it?

Edited by WickedAnimeEye








I Finished naruto,currently watching bleach/one piece both read mangas and i finished Attack on titan and im currently watching Hunter x Hunter (Halfway Done)


moni why you no mention


enjoy hunter x hunter it's 'mazin 



Ye I finished Hunter x Hunter recently, and now we just need to wait for the mangaka.


He had a cirurgy and is still recovering.



Neverthless, the epicness is only beginning.


Idk so far Attack on Titan was prob the best quality anime but I was keeping up with Naruto for 5 years so that's always gonna be my #1. Bleach is awsome cause it's based off of a action plot and one piece is more adventure but the main goal of one piece won't be achieved for atleast another year. Honestly I still haven't realized the whole point of bleach yet.



Hum, you cant really compare a shonen with attack on titan, different type of mangas and animes. But I agree that Attack on titan quality was really good, but there are more high quality animes out there, look it out :) fate zero is good quality for example


Also, One Piece main goal wont be achieved for at least another year, you say? I am not sure what goal you are talking about but one piece is like 65% from finishing, which means at least 6 more years


Luffy's goal in one piece was to be pirate kIng i was wondering about Ichigo's goal in "Bleach". Also Idk how one piece will survive for another 6 years jesus it feels like the series barely progresses. 



It is a shonen, I am impressed that you like Naruto that much considering that "barely progressing" was a naruto thing




Watch ghost in the shell for quality anime. Watch Black Lagoon for quality anime. Watch Darker Than Black for quality anime. Naruto and OP are the things that save me when i have a sleepless night, that stuff is like a coma drug for me.


i bet durarara 2x is hyped as fuck aswell, heard it had 8,5 ratign on MAL before it even came out lmao. Has anybody actually seen it?







Come say hello to the lads on irc :P




Darker than Black was gr8


People bash s2 and while I agree it wasn't of the quality of s1 I still enjoyed it nevertheless 


Darker than Black was gr8


People bash s2 and while I agree it wasn't of the quality of s1 I still enjoyed it nevertheless 

yeah it was underachiever with all the possibilities.


Like I said, it is different than a shonen. It is normal that "qualty animes" have more quality per say due to the fact that they dont have as many episodes and hence why it takes so long to animate. Like, everyone is waiting for another HOTD or shingeki but it takes so long to animate and they need to wait for the mangas to progress on story aswel considering that it is 1 manga per month.


But still they are doing a great work on shonens animations right now!


Im on episode 120 of Hunter x Hunter and I noticed how fucking OP the chairman is like jesus christ he punches faster than the speed of sound ROFL!


Im on episode 120 of Hunter x Hunter and I noticed how fucking OP the chairman is like jesus christ he punches faster than the speed of sound ROFL!


Ye XD The good thing about the fighting scenes in Hunter x Hunter is that if you fully understand what is going on you'll realize that the time realism is sooo damn good!


the narrator of Hunter x Hunter makes the fights way more intense 


I am starting to wish i hadn't started with absolute duo, good to make my brain melt down.


Wanted ecchi but got kids stuff served for adults with some srs fanservice and other cancur. At least show soem tits then and be done with it!


i need more ecchi help me boiz


i need more ecchi help me boiz

waiting for that DxD Born .)


right now there really isnt much, unless you want to lose braiincells or turn off everything thats related to rational thinking.



i need more ecchi help me boiz

waiting for that DxD Born .)


right now there really isnt much, unless you want to lose braiincells or turn off everything thats related to rational thinking.


I've seen hs dxd and freezing thats it but


Can someone explain what the fuck happened to gon vs potchi LOL! He aged like 20 years for a single attack and the reverted im so confused. Did he lose years off of his life or is that a special move where he can age rapidly? Wtf is happening idk anymore btw this anime is dope.


Can someone explain what the fuck happened to gon vs potchi LOL! He aged like 20 years for a single attack and the reverted im so confused. Did he lose years off of his life or is that a special move where he can age rapidly? Wtf is happening idk anymore btw this anime is dope.

he pretty much put so much strain on his body and made it age rapidly, worked as a curse. It's like taking a huge does of performance drugs, you will have a massive drawback. For his case it affected his nen. Don't remember the specifics but thats pmuch the vague point.

Posted (edited)



i need more ecchi help me boiz

waiting for that DxD Born .)


right now there really isnt much, unless you want to lose braiincells or turn off everything thats related to rational thinking.


I've seen hs dxd and freezing thats it but


uuuu, then check out the list i posted on the first page :P

most of them are the typical ecchi bs that really have no impact and are general.


E: something from ecchi genre that really isn't that much of an ecchi are

Kill La Kill

Strike The Blood

holy shit what retard put Toradora! as ecchi!?


Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai

Seikon no Gwaser

Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai


Last three are more hardcore, depends of the person tbh.


And str8 out borderline hentai would be Aki-Sora, Kiss x Sis, Yosuga no Sora (funny how they all 3 are about incest between brother and sister)


I bet the king @@Maining would not dare to step this far to put up his wet dreams list :cool:

Edited by WickedAnimeEye




i need more ecchi help me boiz

waiting for that DxD Born .)


right now there really isnt much, unless you want to lose braiincells or turn off everything thats related to rational thinking.


I've seen hs dxd and freezing thats it but


uuuu, then check out the list i posted on the first page :P

most of them are the typical ecchi bs that really have no impact and are general.


E: something from ecchi genre that really isn't that much of an ecchi are

Kill La Kill

Strike The Blood

holy shit what retard put Toradora! as ecchi!?


Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai

Seikon no Gwaser

Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai


Last three are more hardcore, depends of the person tbh.


And str8 out borderline hentai would be Aki-Sora, Kiss x Sis, Yosuga no Sora (funny how they all 3 are about incest between brother and sister)


I bet the king @@Maining would not dare to step this far to put up his wet dreams list :cool:



lmfao totally forgot we had an anime topic i barely even visit forums 


and yea Strike the blood ftw , personally i didnt rly like kill la kill but its ecchi , and ohyea those last3 rofl dude incest in anime is the best

Posted (edited)





i need more ecchi help me boiz

waiting for that DxD Born .)


right now there really isnt much, unless you want to lose braiincells or turn off everything thats related to rational thinking.


I've seen hs dxd and freezing thats it but


uuuu, then check out the list i posted on the first page :P

most of them are the typical ecchi bs that really have no impact and are general.


E: something from ecchi genre that really isn't that much of an ecchi are

Kill La Kill

Strike The Blood

holy shit what retard put Toradora! as ecchi!?


Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai

Seikon no Gwaser

Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai


Last three are more hardcore, depends of the person tbh.


And str8 out borderline hentai would be Aki-Sora, Kiss x Sis, Yosuga no Sora (funny how they all 3 are about incest between brother and sister)


I bet the king @@Maining would not dare to step this far to put up his wet dreams list :cool:



lmfao totally forgot we had an anime topic i barely even visit forums 


and yea Strike the blood ftw , personally i didnt rly like kill la kill but its ecchi , and ohyea those last3 rofl dude incest in anime is the best


Oh no we dont sound like some freaks at all! :D


dude incest in anime is the best ~ Maining

Edited by WickedAnimeEye

I watch pokemon whenever it's on tv ? 


I watch pokemon whenever it's on tv ? 

*It is something*


For a real srs debate, squirtle, charmander or bulbasaur?


lmao basically sums it up :D



about time an anime thread popped up :D i prefer reading manga though :D

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