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any one try the blowpipe yet?

yuu die now

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i wanna know how broken that thing is cuz it fucking looks like its going to be stuipidly broken on pures lol


This guy is pking with it on stream and he is decking kids 


Ohno last thing we need are bunch of Teemos in OSRS.


they say its 40 base range str plus whatever the str of dart you use is at dart speed i think on a pure the max is 27 ive heard


at dart speed thats fucking stupid it can easily out hit sharks like u cud be constantly karambwaning...


This guy is pking with it on stream and he is decking kids 

too op


watching this guy stream its 100% broken itl get nerfed im sure


Will get nerfed, not even worried.


I tired to fite it, wouldnt recommend fiting anyone who has one, unless u gmaul spec at the start and tab :)


Will get nerfed, not even worried.


jagex needs to release claws to keep up with the shit they're doing for the rest of the combat types

King Scarfie

It sounds op. Boss seems pretty easy to kill.


its fucked. gg, typical jagex


wtf can u shoot blow darts or some shit now?

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