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Future applicants/members


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Posted (edited)

Dear future applicants/members,


As you guys are probably checking the forums every hour whether our applications have opened or not. Here are some things you should do in the mean time, as the opening is taking it's time to make it a good one.


The most important thing you should do is hang out in our ClanChat: Finalownage, Teamspeak and IRC Channel: #FinalOwnage. It's all about getting to know the community, the members, making friends ofcourse and last but not least getting the referrals required for your application.



- Post an Introduction right here: http://www.foe-rs.com/forums/forum/198-introductions/


- Check out this guide Maining made to teach you some basics of mIRC and Teamspeak:



- Download TeamSpeak: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads

- Join our TeamSpeak server: ts.foe-rs.com 



- Connect to our IRC Channel: #Finalownage, this can be done by either downloading : mIRC, Swiftkit or using mibbit weblauncher. 

Download mIRC at: http://www.mirc.com/

Download Swiftkit at: http://www.swiftkit.net/

or simply use the mibbit weblauncher at: https://client01.chat.mibbit.com/


Make sure to set your server to Swiftirc, this is where the pure clans have their channels.



- Set up your bank with pk supplies and Foe uniform (Cream hat /Team 30)

Cream hat bought @ Grand Tree. Team 30 cape @ Wildy Fortress. 

This is a great example of how your return tab should look like. Credits to Chirp.





-  Join our Clanchat ingame: FinalOwnage



- Max out your account, get the best gear possible.


If you guys still have any questions regarding on how to prepare for our opening, don't hesitate to ask. 


Edited by Marc
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Posted (edited)

Nice Guide for Applicants should be locked % Pinned.

Edited by Graffiix

i would definitely like to see this topic locked and pinned


Just to let you know.il have my pc back next week friday so i can't be on ts/irc atm.i'l be daily on forums through my phone.


good topic Marc =]


Gl on council broer l3l3l <3

Danny The Great

Good topic, take notes pals.


Thanks all for the positive feedback.

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