Maining Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 (edited) Nightmare Zone Guide By Maining What is nightmare zone? Bassically it is a minigame known as "dominion tower" pre-eoc brought to Osrs but with some changes to fit the game play osrs provides. What are the requirements? Almost anyone can enter you just need a few quests done that have bosses (even small quests like tree gnome village= general khazard, lost city= tree spirit, witch's house= experiment etc...) I advise having decent combat stats to so you can kill the bosses semi fast at least. Wat are the rewards? These are the current rewards: There are various polls to bring in new rewards with 1 of them being IMBUED rings which is nice for pures so definitely worth it to play. When you first start out most of your points will go towards absorbtion and overload pots. How to get there? Nightmare zone is located north of yanille and is easy accessible by the following methods: Watchtower teleport and run east House teleport to yanille and run east and then north Duelling ring to castle wars and run east and then north Charter ship to phort khazard and run west and then south Teleport to ardougne and run south as you can see it is very close to yanille bank so it helps to use this bank when playing this minigame. The different game modes: Before you can play any game mode you have to deposit coins in a coffer (kind of like a bank) and then everytime you start a dream (which is a round ) the guy takes the money from that coffer. The amount of money depends on which dream but they are small amounts like 1-7k a time. After you have money in it and are set to go talk to the guy and select dream Its very simple but here is a quick explanation of the game modes: Note: all game modes come in normal and hard basically normal is they have the same lvl and stats as they did in the quest and hard they have a lot more hp and cmb stats and are higher lvl. Of course you get more points in the hard mode. Practice: You can choose all from all the bosses you have unlocked and select wich one you want to fight. This is very useful to try different strategies to speed up your endurance mode run. Endurance: You basically go trough all the bosses you have unlocked with 1 inventory and you cannot bank. This is best mode to do if you are going for points ( in hard mode!!) Rumble: You can enter from 1 up to 5 people and you get several bosses in the room when you kill one a new one will spawn. This is made up from a mutual list all the people who entered have quests completed (for example person 1 got lost city done but not dt and person two got both quests done then you will only get lost city boss and NOT Dt bosses) This mode is fun to do with friends and see how long you can last. What Gear should I use? MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON NORMAL MAGICS IF YOU HAVE DONE HFTD AND/OR FAMILY CREST First of all it depends what you are doing. For practice mode: You just gear up for which boss you are doing, i cant really give an example because only reason you should do practice mode for is to test different strategy's on which boss so you have to mess around with your setup. Endurance Hard mode: Basically you can melee most bosses (at least I can with whip, if you have only 60 attack you might have to take range to) though in all cases you WILL need mage. If you have whip i suggest taking a similar setup to this one max str,prayer bonus and a mage weapon switch (not necessary but helps) Ovls/absorption can be less i just take cuz i have all bosses unlocked and beter safe then sorry. leave few invent spaces to pickup runes when inside. For 60 attack i would go with something like this: can swap ghostly bottom for god robe legs. Rumble mode: Here i would go for a blood barrage main weapon (you need your own soul runes as these don't spawn inside, you get other runes though) a dds for dagannoth mother/unlimited spec powerup(see notes) and range for kamil/other anoying bosses. Can swap around some stuff and take a primary melee weapon for when you don't need healing/no clumps Some Tips & notes: When starting off just use food and when u can afford start investing in absorbtion potions and overloads. Every absorption dose counts as 50 damage received, you can drink these and on the top left of your screen you see how much hp you got left from them Solo hard endurance mode for fastest points. Depending on your quests finished and stats you should try out different methods and setups wich suits you best. Always be on normal magics for chronozon and dagannoth mother If you die its np this is a safe minigame Gainz Here is a list of all bosses in the minigame (all the ones marked not available require defence, and all others = all u can do on a pure i have max quest points for 1 def so this all these bosses is a full endurance run.) Video Sped up Endurance Hard mode run: My gear for the video: trolls&lols Credits: Maining Liam for fixing most of the 4n and layout Guide #2 - Pure Training Nightmarezone Nightmarezone is a minigame where you fight bosses you've previously killed during quests. There are three different game modes, but in this topic i'll stick to just Rumble mode for big xp gains. To start off, you'll have to put some money in the coffer at the entrance of the nightmarezone area. A hard game costs 6k each time you enter. Rumble Hard For the best xp/hour as a pure you'll have to fight the bosses from the following quests: - Vampire Slayer - Tree Gnome Village - Lost City - Fight Arena - Grand Tree - Mountain Daughter (optional) Hosts Like most people, you'll have more quests completed than just the above. No worries, therefor people created hosts. There are accounts in world 330, selling nightmarezone games for 20k per game. They'll take you to a game with the above quests monsters for the best xp per hour. There are hosts with Demon or Kendal, which stands for either Grand tree or Mountain Daughter completed. Simply trade a host 20k, they'll invite you and enter the game. Training & Gear To start off i would suggest you having either 70 range or 70 strength with 60 attack before you move to NMZ, else it's just not worth going there. Range setup This is what i wear when training range, if you're rich you can swap climbers for ranger boots or holy sandals. You take msb with rune arrows instead of knifes as rune arrows give you +20k more exp/hour than knifes. And this is how your inventory should look like. Currently i'm taking 5/6 overloads per game. Melee setup Depending on your cash and whether or not you have a firecape. You can take a god cloak instead. As a 1 def 60 attack, you'd take monk robes with d scim and holy book. As Chirp is 70 prayer, he takes 8 overloads. People with 44-52 prayer should take 6 to 7 max. Credits to Chirp for taking the melee setup pictures Rewards Best thing to buy with your points are most likely the herb boxes, you can 15 of them once a day. Just open the boxes, identify the herbs and sell them separately. After your first game of NMZ ever, you'll be buying Overloads from the store for your next runs. If you still have any questions or tips regarding this guide, feel free to post below or hit me up with a pm. §Marc|Riem Edited February 1, 2015 by Mighty_Irwin 1
Nearly Godz Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 Will do this sometime to get some points to get imbued rings larer, thanks for the good guide Maining
Anton Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 Credits: IRun England for making the guide IRun England for filming the guide IRun England for writting the guide IRun England for pictures for the guide IRun England for being awesome IRun England for President Shouldn't have :x
V i s t a Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 irun_england is a fucking spastic downy so true
Uaex-Ali Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 Very well in depth guide, good job maining perks of a no lifer :)
Henrik Posted September 24, 2013 Posted September 24, 2013 good job on the guide. should be useful to those not familiar with NZ, like me for instance.
Storms Arrow Posted September 24, 2013 Posted September 24, 2013 Great guide but ill wait to see the rewards.
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