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Dead clicks


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is it normal that it takes me 10 clicks in order to do a 3-way switch?

i dont think im the only one having this problem, happened ever since runetek 5 got released

here is some examples

just wtf?

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5 dead clicks

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rightclick first 1 then click it then do other 3 works fine


rightclick first 1 then click it then do other 3 works fine

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i know how it works, i read a topic about it on rs forums.

if you click an item and the exact moment ur character wields it, the next click doesnt respond.

try clicking on ur dds, wait like .5 seconds when it wields then click on something else and it will not respond

therefor ur theory is retarded and stfu


No lol it works perfect i do it alot, as posh said it must be a glitch (i havent banked to test it yet tho)


yeah I had same thing happen just random item switches don't always do it.


Yes this is the cause of RT5, it takes me ages to clean herbs when farming.


This happens to me all the time, very annoying.


y ruin the hybriing skillz fagex :[


Happens to me all the time, fucking annoying.


Happens to me all the time, fucking annoying.


Happens to me all the time, fucking annoying.

jep it is


I died at least once because of this, they should be able to fix it along with the invisible people and skaters in pvp.


sometimes its because an invisible clock inside the tek5 decides how often u can switch gear so u have to click all of ur switches inbetween that clock in order to make it work if the clock resets and wields what u already clicked the next 1-2 clicks depending how fast u click wont respond

the clock resets like ever .5 seconds or some shit maybe 1 second max


ya i died to this the other day lol or i want to ko someone but i gotta switch and it doesnt click :<


damn, your a pro clicker though.


This is way I hate hybrid now......


Yea this always happens to me really annoying.. ; :mellow:

Carlos (loso)

yea they need to do something about this.


happens to me heaps, just gotta deal with it


Damn Jagex nerfed farmbriding...


yeah, its very annoying..


Mod Nexus.

P.S. There have also been a few fixes this week regarding click detection on lower specification PCs where they were previously ignored.



Mod Nexus.

P.S. There have also been a few fixes this week regarding click detection on lower specification PCs where they were previously ignored.



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