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Very important read and reply ASAP


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i autoclicked to 94 mage im still here 


Not sure, but I'd personally stick to splashing if you want to do something when you're AFK.


>auto klicker

>pest control



You should of took my account when I offered it away


Yes you CAN be permanently banned for auto-clicking. 


Another matter is WILL you get perm banned.


I wouldn't risk it if your account is far along, lol.


i autoclicked to 94 mage on 07 and i swear i heard on a livestream they said its "hard for them to know if someone is auto clicking"


21 votes already :p


i autoclicked to 94 mage im still here 

ye but ur a retard


ye they are real strict on it now


You can, but you have to remember, the way they detect bots is through consecutive actions and when they evaluate, they can evaluate what client you're using, so I wouldn't use a bot client. You can always set up randomised timers from 1-2 seconds to reduce the consecutive clicks. I'd also suggest baby sitting ur auto click, don't do it overnight.


yes its bannable but i got 94 mage that way



i autoclicked to 94 mage im still here 

ye but ur a retard


i dont evne kno who u r nor have i ever talked to you before until now 


Dont risk your account bro..

just splash in a pvp world or in white portal.


Don't risk it just splash  i was thinking the same thing


Pretty sure it's a temporary ban

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