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Criti Sh0t BH vid 5 -- Maxed G mauler


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here comes my 5th pk vid on this account  :)

Stats during vidding:

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HD out now


Enjoy  :rolleyes:

Here are the link to my previous videos:

Bh vid 4:
Bh vid 3:

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it was ok...very repetitive though...needs more hybriding / diversity. i liked the #1 gs pure part


nice vid :P

i wanna se more hybrid tho, i know it harder with no prayer but that makes it look so much better lol


Agree with Walli. More hybriding! Your stats are sexy, even though the 3 def looks ugly lol

Cool vid man  :nice:


cant rly hybrid with 13pray 50atk lol


cant watch it? it just freeze's :s


#1 gs pure  ^_^

loved the vid even though it froze once and lagged like sht nice combos but should be more hybriding even if you are 13 prayer 10/10


Good as like the previous ones, but now that uve made several good vids, ones expactations are very high, soo il be critisizing as much as i can :p

standards in vids are really high nowadays soo variation needs to be the red thread.

-Too much vls, its fun with the higher n higher dmg clips, but there are a tad too many, and then you also keep vls'ing in various clips in the rest of the vid. maul is always good too, but also when youve seen like 5-10 clips of the same weapon your already fed up.

-same goes with clips of noobs pulling spec weap and then getting KOed by low dmgs/recoils etc. its fun to see a few clips but gets boring fast. in general low'ish dmg KOs gets boring RLY fast.

-Music wasnt as good as in some of the prev vids if you ask me, loved soo many of the songs in ur prev vids, needs more speed/fun/happy :D - was chill, but chill isnt boss enuf :p

You kill everyone too easy. get higher cb lvl or do something to fight better pkers, your clearly barely getting any challenges.

multi/drag clips were awesome, get more of those! way more!


it was ok...very repetitive though...needs more hybriding / diversity. i liked the #1 gs pure part


Zany did state quite good points in fairness, however i loved the vid.

Ye maybe try giving some more hybriding a bash but still.



cant watch it? it just freeze's :s


It just freezes at 4:17 and won't play anymore, even though it's fully buffered.


Really repetitive n boring. Hits were pretty nice.


HATERS .. Loved the vid

no. its constructive crtisicism telling him how to improve, hateing would be just typing

sucked. 1/1-0


Err, it was "ok".

Needs more hybriding, and better weapons.

The repition of watching vlong/shammer/gmaul/gmace was boring.

other than that, nice vid.


Well, i liked the vid.

Had good switches and kos. Overall good vid. Really like 7-8/10. Gj Marc.  :nice:

Oh, and i see what you mean about not being able to do much about hybriding with 50 attack, and your pray. Do dt though and put that mage to good use. Maybe barrage to knives and maul k0. Just my opinion.  :D

Adam | LayDown

i enjoyed it :P


Moar hybriding other than that loved it great vid 4.9/5 :)


Loved your vid bro, especially the songs!



ehh i dont think anyone realises how hard it is to hybrid well with 50 attack, not just the low prayer - range/mage is too boring for vids and if maul fails what else? vls? or is there enough of that already.....

great vid 9/10

you lost a mark for not enough blue voting hats

oh make that 8/10 - u used a red voting hat

make that 7/10 for not putting me in thanks list :((:(:(:(:(

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