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Being tortured slowly to death


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Posted (edited)

Pls help, bored of looking at this ;(


Edited by Dazzled
Posted (edited)

Have fun, and apply!

Apply for wut.


Nvm I see, forgot Adhi still didn't rank me on forum lel.

Edited by Dazzled
Posted (edited)

demon at  1 def


wow so new much bad so ez

Edited by Allan

Lol doing the same atm :/ just watch a movie/tv serie while ur on it bro :)


goodluck grinding, know dat feel


Hide screen and only show invy/icons at the top and watch something


multi log and do something on another account


multi log and do something on another account

I am :p I have done 1.2m fish xp in 3 days on my other acc and i've rced 450kxp also at the same time in the 3 days lel.


I sat at nmz from 82-90 range in 1 sitting and almost necked myself irl. I train for hours on end cause I watch movies,tv shows etc. Hope you find something to do!


you'll get there, I've been fiending NMZ aswell last few days, rather bored myself.. its nice to stock up on some imbueds though ;)


just listen to music or talk on ts3


Ouch man best of luck of bleeding your eyes out haha :D 

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