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can you say immature?


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(17:42:42) <[Foe]New|AwaY> why are you being suck a faggot?

(17:43:04) <[uT]skyler> i make a joke to people in cc so i get kbed and forum ban

[Foe]New|AwaY is away: auto-away after 30m idle

(17:43:14) <[Foe]New|AwaY> Didn't fourm ban you yet but if you continue to flame foe I'll just perm ban the root of you're IP.

(17:43:25) <[Foe]New|AwaY> DOn't fucking make a joke

(17:43:29) <[Foe]New|AwaY> u make a joke in IRC u get banned

(17:43:31) <[Foe]New|AwaY> so u do in CC?

(17:43:34) <[Foe]New|AwaY> you that retarded?

i made a joke in cc that foe was failed and nh so people cry like nerds....

and got kbed from irc and kicked in cc.

and he threatens me with forum ban... SAD.

i got flamed more than i flamed.


i never done anything bad to you guys but some people cant take a joke. connor will most likely edit this or forum ban me or both.

well if i get banned bye to the people who are nice <3

i guess this goes to show the nice guy always finish's last.

r e b q r n

Can't stand the heat.. stay out of the kitchen.

Nah im kidding that does seem immature but whatever, at the end of the day its all just E-drama and you shouldn't really take offense to it lol.


Leadership gets to peoples heads. dw bout it


i dont take it offensive.... but i just think its stupid to act like that.

i say "foe is nh" in cc and people think im serious.


I can't hear you saying immature, yet your topic clearly states you can say it.....LURE!!


Connor|New Recruits

You come into are IRC, flaming FOE members. Then you procede to flame members in CC and I got multiple complaints.

Enjoy you're 3 day ban.

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