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RS classic


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how's everyone doing on it? for those who are playing it that is :p

heres my current stats: (blame SK for the bad crop@@)

Posted Image

currently getting fletch up to make bows/arrows ^^ aiming for 60-70fletch. after that back to combat training.

post your stats and goal :p

ps: if you need arrows (up to steel atm, mith tomorrow or so) supply me with feathers, arrow shafts and arrow tips and ill make them for you. (buy feathers from fish shops/kill chickens, cut logs and use knife on it to make shafts and buy arrow tips from ranged store in catherby). you can usually find me #finalownage or #foeclassic


i got 1 att 20 str 12 hp bout it lol

im trying to find a way to make money atm so im mining >.>


i trid to fight a goblin andi died, quit shortly after that....


i trid to fight a goblin andi died, quit shortly after that....

G3wd G4meĀ  B)


vlooie is a noob.

and dutch you mad? RSC kicks rs2 butt any day.


GOnna try to get 23 cb before our first pk trip, rlly busy irl atm :/


I tried classic for like 15 minutes but it was a wtf situation because it was so hard to move and i eventually got stuck on the first part i have no intention to play rsc but would be nice if rs2 was out.

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