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Most memorable Runescape experiences


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Posted (edited)

For me, I'll always remember the first time I got scammed. In late '06 I used to always hang around W11 varrock castle and had a runescape 'gf'. After a couple of days of promising to buy me a santa hat with irl money she convinced me to trade over a black cav and flared trousers which was worth bnak back in the day. We then went on msn messenger and the con artist put "her" webcam on, turned out it was a black guy. 


Another one would be when me and my bro used to cam chat daily with these two sisters who were pretty hot (I think) for two boys aged 9-11. Still have one of the sisters added on facebook, turns out she's in a committed relationship for 3 years after having a baby at 16(?) Crazy thinking about how much that's changed since then.


What about you? 

Edited by Heismberg

sorry to hear that heisim xd.


i will never forget the day i pked full zamorak in varrock wildy near hill giant hunt. at that time everyone used to be in a cc and would just go up there huge bs fest.

full zamorak was worth about 4m at that time and i never bought membership so yh lol

Posted (edited)

i remember when i had an rs gf... she sent nudes to everyone in foe ffs... wtf? i thought i was the one :(












Edited by Brenden

I remember I died to a guard lost my first 100K i ever made... 


I remember the first time I saw myself in game


A fucking cathartic experience that was


my very first account and my irl friend hacked me for full steel and mith scim....


or pre eoc when i soloed ely/arane.


<3 pvm


varrock multi pking


the best thing ever


> 2006 in lumbridge

> some1 died to a random in the general store

> Looted 7m


hacking IRL friends back in 2006 and acting like you didnt lol


1. When I figured out how to make 10k by mining 100 iron ore and selling it 100 gp each in fall bank. I remember first time I saw the cash stack change to the 10k.


2. Me and my IRL m8 scammed a guy for a fire staff.. was like 1500gp or whatever but my friend felt so bad so he made me give it back to the dude.


Crying over losing my mith scim to the wizard in the dangerous desert of Al-Kharid back in the day!


i remember when i had an rs gf... she sent nudes to everyone in foe ffs... wtf? i thought i was the one :(













selling law runes 1k ea in lumby top bank to kids trying to get to varrock. First 100k cash took a week l0l


I went to the wildy with my friend to bring back some merchandise for sale. We sold team capes in lumby bank for 5k each :).

I think I remember selling tele tabs for 4-5k ea in falador w2


When i made my first MILLION GP!


Was by pking rune sets, took about 2 days of lucky ass pking!


One of the first times pking went Sara striking on my absurdly unbalanced account and some dude was RCing chaos runes in full rune and glory and shit

got bnak and never looked back 


1. When I figured out how to make 10k by mining 100 iron ore and selling it 100 gp each in fall bank. I remember first time I saw the cash stack change to the 10k.


2. Me and my IRL m8 scammed a guy for a fire staff.. was like 1500gp or whatever but my friend felt so bad so he made me give it back to the dude.

haha i remember my bro used to mine iron ore for one specific buyer before the g.e came out and made 100k


i was so jealous  :laugh:


It was valentines day in '06, had a "gf" and I had my Santa, she was dieing just to wear it and take a picture; I trusted her after having doubts for awhile. Lost my santa, bye. </3 



Posted (edited)

in 2005 i got lured for my bank, which was probably like 400k.. but I was only 8 and I remember I cried irl for a hours




oh yeah and I once had sex in the bedroom of a fally house.

Edited by B L l l T Z

dl which stands for dragon lurers


heres an example of what we did;

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