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t7emon Arrow AGS Pure Hybriding PK video 6 (BH-PvP) [99 str, 99 range,94 mage]


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second song made me sick, turned it off, sorry.

You missed the best of the video bro sorry I got wide taste in music

Decent video, kinda got bored 1 min in. Lol'd at 70 pray. Well done though wasn't bad.

Haha wouldn't expect you to say you liked since you claim to be #1 so yea anyways nice vids im not expecting to win a popularity contest especially on your home forum lol

Hey people this is a new vid, I believe it's a cut above the rest and if you watch it you'll probably have to watch it a couple of times or rewind it just because ther is so much content definetly worth the wait and the watch so enjoy!

Btw this is how I pk ^^ takes alot of getting used to and it's alot of lag vidding but I get some of the highest quality that's ever been seen in rs pk videos watch it in HD if your ready for that.

You boast to much tbh, btw99 str was way better imo and he doesnt boast a bit.

Not boasting, im not comparing to other peoples videos only to my previous ones so yea just incase you got me wrong

sorry to say mate but toxic slay is still the #1 gs pure however you arn't that bad.

The question then lies would you be any sort of a pker with out that ags spec?

i would like you to answer that in your next vid.

I'll look forward to it.

Watch my videos 1-5 this is my first time using ags lmao im not an ags product

Why make a 10000duple post?


Why u cry about double post.. like he cares he get postcount on foe forums?

Good vid. Only ags clips are boring. Shud have other weps too.

But eop is gay clan.


Loved the music and some nice kills but too much ags, tone it down next vid, still enjoyed


loved it mate (: good songs aswell :p


sorry to say mate but toxic slay is still the #1 gs pure however you arn't that bad.

The question then lies would you be any sort of a pker with out that ags spec?

i would like you to answer that in your next vid.

I'll look forward to it.

Sorry mate but since you said Toxic Slay is the number 1 gs pure il have to recall that isnt true ive seen him die to other GS pures. like for example my friend killed him 1v1 Honor fight then he came back with corrupt armour and still died...plus his video is 95% corrupt

The REAL question lies if toxic can STOP pking with corrupt items. like really CORRUPT > AGS its obvious hes a corrupt product u cant accuse him for being a gs product when hes blowing kids out of water with maxed bonuses i know hes ur friend and all but stop being biased.

I'll look forward to your hypocritical Reply.


Dont take any of this personally...

First off, was much much better than ur previous vids - in all honesty i thought they were shit but you can still work on this one too.

Wayyyy too much range - ags or straight ags... try to find diff combos and use diff weapons. It gets boring watching the same things over and over again, i closed after 4mins 30 and struggled to even make it that far....

music... ehhh anberlin are outdated and the rap didnt really suit pk vids IMO

editing was pretty decent, just having heaps of words and sentences in some parts can get abit much seeing as the majority of people watching videos dont really like to have to think about it - try using key words or sumthing idk

some clips were nice

hits were nice

cant remember anything about loots..

try to get more hybrid clips (not just barrage and range but actual bridding if u know what i mean)



Dont take any of this personally...

First off, was much much better than ur previous vids - in all honesty i thought they were shit but you can still work on this one too.

Wayyyy too much range - ags or straight ags... try to find diff combos and use diff weapons. It gets boring watching the same things over and over again, i closed after 4mins 30 and struggled to even make it that far....

music... ehhh anberlin are outdated and the rap didnt really suit pk vids IMO

editing was pretty decent, just having heaps of words and sentences in some parts can get abit much seeing as the majority of people watching videos dont really like to have to think about it - try using key words or sumthing idk

some clips were nice

hits were nice

cant remember anything about loots..

try to get more hybrid clips (not just barrage and range but actual bridding if u know what i mean)


I like constructive criticism but if your going to make all that good effort in that post you could have put in effort to watch the whole video, my videos always get better towards the end :) definitely will have more variation in future videos, you could call this an ags hybrid pking video if you like. As for hybriding being 1 defence theres really no point in doing 4 way switches because the bonuses aren't worth the lost food space imo got any ideas?


Quality vid


nice vid mate hq pking makes vid so much better tbh :P


Thanks for the feedback guys im releasing a back in the day series on my channel for all the old schoolers check it out www.youtube.com/user/jd1042l

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