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Rate my new pure - Give me constructive advice.


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Hey guys, well recently my old pure was permenantly banned so I created this, it's a work in progress I guess so give me tips + advice on what I should do.  :nice:

When giving me advice take into consideration;

1: I want to stay 15-16 prayer for now.

2: I'm leaning towards staying 50 attack for a little while longer.

Give me tips which quests I need to do to be a successfull pure.

Time Played:

31 days 17 hours

Quest list as of today;

Animal Magnetism

Big Chompy Bird Hunting


Cook's Assistant

Death Plateau

Death to the Dorgeshuun

Demon Slayer

Desert Treasure

Dig Site

Doric's Quest

Druidic Ritual

Dwarf Cannon

Ernest the Chicken

Fight Arena

Fishing Contest

Gertrude's Cat

Goblin Diplomacy

Horror from the Deep

Monkey Madness

Plague City

Priest in Peril

Recipe for Disaster: Awowogei

Recipe for Disaster: Dwarf

Recipe for Disaster: Evil Dave

Recipe for Disaster: Goblin Generals

Recipe for Disaster: Pirate Pete

Recipe for Disaster: Skrach

Recipe for Disaster: Starting Out

Rune Mysteries

Shadow of the Storm

Swept Away

Temple of Ikov

The Elemental Workshop

The Elemental Workshop 2

The Golem

The Grand Tree

The Knight's Sword

The Lost Tribe

The Restless Ghost

The Tourist Trap

Tree Gnome Village

Troll Stronghold

Underground Pass

Unstable Foundations

Vampire Slayer

Waterfall Quest

Quest point's; 80

Posted Image

Tahnks in advance,



99 hunt in 31 days...

That time played is copied from adventure's log, it isn't acctually 31 days it's built up time.


Its good just train those stats up but great start so far. :)


get 85 mage/range and your good good youll be around 61 cmb with those stats i think

very nice! maybe a little higher range and you would be elite.

I can get 85 mage and rnaged if I sw and stay 70hp but i hate sw and can't stand it lol, I think i'm just going to get 80 ranged and 85 magic and i'll be combat 62 with tripple 80s and 75/6hp.


85Mage/Range/Str keep 50 atk? and long term 94 mage 90str and range.


9/10, perfect starter pure.

Get 50+ rc, for the snazzy robes plus more, which is what i think all pures should have.

Stay 50 attack, get 80+ range, and just keep training =]


85Mage/Range/Str keep 50 atk? and long term 94 mage 90str and range.

They are kinda what I was looking/hoping to get :)

9/10, perfect starter pure.

Get 50+ rc, for the snazzy robes plus more, which is what i think all pures should have.

Stay 50 attack, get 80+ range, and just keep training =]

Yah I want them sexy rc robes :D i'm training ranged atm to 80.

99 def.


#1 botter.


You must be jealous of my pwn cape  :wub:


botting lvl


Tbh I recommend staying 50 atk and Just rocking out 90+ str and rng at high 60's low 70 cmb. Wreck those 60-70 atk pures that are starting to really show up around that time.


80>90>99range 85>90>94 mage 85>91 str :P

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