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Stay 3def? make 10? 20?


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Im gay and you should get 99 def

don't listen to choobs stay 3 def or rep steel with me ^_^

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i got 3 def dring pcl era lol u should just stay 3 tbh u dont fight all the shtiload of tanks and ive seen to many of my friends turn into zerks and stuff at 20 :<


Imo, stay 3 defence. If you've already gotten 3 then there is a possibility you could get more. If you get over 5 get 10 though rofl.  :Hi:


Get whatever you want to. 3 def is the same as one in theory pretty much. Only difference is it doesn't look as nice. So you decide low def low cmb. or higher def(higher hits) but higher cmb



61 attack

6 defence

93 strenght

84 hitpoints

72 combat

I've messed up way more times then you have trust me stay at the defence level you are

The lower your combat level the easiar the majority of your opponents will be and easiar opponents means you will be getting a lot more gpeees


With your stats, stay in 3 def. Unless you'll peekay in statius with 20 def :)


stay 3 lower combat is ftw


20 def means statius which = hawt :) 10 is pointless imo.


Stay away from 20 and you will be fine. If you get 20 its dutch lmfao #1 godsword rune pure!


don't stay 3 to risky and you got awesome stats


Stay 3 def, your already high for your cb and you would be more higher if you got 10 or 20 def

Also stay 3 def so i can own you 1 day


try 10, if u dont like it, get 20, if u dont like that, stay 20.


3 defence. Real pures don't train defence deliberately.

Agree with this dude.

Stay 3 bro


stay 3, more tanks at higher combat, don't get 10/20.


Stay 3 because you are a pure.


try 10, if u dont like it, get 20, if u dont like that, stay 20.

I lol'd but its the truth.


Stay 3... Get 99 attack its ownage. I pk in +14 mage bonus on 20 defence 100 combat for lols its fucking ownage lol

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Point was of that ^ Why get 20 defence when you can own with robes and non mystic at 100 combat. Imagine 45 prayer 1 def 92-93 cb. Its 10 times easier than at 100 combat your fighting tanks with 90 def + and better experienced runepures.

Atm, its not worth being 20 def for reasons...

*- Cant use firecape/Mithiril defenders w/o loosing permantaly.. Defenders... After a while it just gets anoying keep on getting them no lie...

*Now for that reason 20 def people use mith kites = fail

The day jagex brings back nontradeable pking (Firecapes,defenders,Zbooks,anchors,skillcapes,torsos) all that, 20 defence is definatly worth it, combination of beast attack/pray bonuses = runepure massacre lol. Only reason i did it was because i like whip and i was 60attack pure and was tired of killing pures for a dds or 25 rune arrows and some pots. Did it to kill runepures/tanks with 300k+ loot a kill


Gewoon 3 Blijven man

20 is wel meer bonus

maar te veel cmbs imo


When i had that problem , i got 10 for the slayer helm and hot blk armor as well as blk defender for dds. Its fun if ur ok adding 2 cb lvs. 20 is gay unless u have a ton to blow on overpowered pvp gear


10 def is worthless seeming your maxed and have money so no use for slayer, so 20 is your only option, unlock 10 diferent armour sets from 3-20 =D, you wont regret

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