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Posted (edited)

So had 22m spare from staking, bought a blowpipe. To pk with it do i need 16k d darts and 16k scales? To make it charged? 


When it has 16k of both does that make it "charged" which gives its better bonuses? If thats the case do I need to add say, 150 of both scales and darts to make it a full charge again after i've been pking with it?


So confusing. Might just buy an acb if I need 16k of both as that's pricey af. 

Edited by Snailham
Posted (edited)

oh think some guy was trolling me saying he put 16k dragon darts? I hope.

Edited by Snailham

u can put as many darts as u want, it doesn't affect the blowpipe. you'll still have the same bonuses.


But having 16k scales does increase the bonuses right ? 


 Charging it increases its Ranged attack by 60 and Ranged strength by 40. These bonuses stack with the bonuses of its ammunition. For example, using dragon darts on the blowpipe will increase its Ranged attack to +78, and its Ranged strength to +60.


16383 scales for max charge. Around two shots = one scale lost. Darts are used as ammo the normal way (you can have as many as you like).

I try to kerep my charge high as possible cause range attack drops with charge, so do ur rates.

Posted (edited)

Ah sweet, I've just filled it up full and 10k scales to top it up with. With 90 range and d darts does anyone know what kinda hit I should expect? 

Edited by Snailham

Just went pking and fuck me, blowpipe is ok, hits alright.. but you can really 1tick from blowpipe > ags. Try it out if you haven't. Couldn't even see the switch to ags spec half the time. 


i think it scales


If you're pking you don't need to fill it up completely


wait so you need to fully charge it with scales to get better range bonus'? or is it the same bonus no matter how many scales/darts


If you're pking you don't need to fill it up completely


wait so you need to fully charge it with scales to get better range bonus'? or is it the same bonus no matter how many scales/darts

Someone answer this please I am confused atm


blowpipes op

  • 3 weeks later...

Blowpipe to spec and to dbolt is amazing


you don't need to fill the blowpipe up completely to charge it. It hypothetically needs at least 1 scale and 1 dart to work. when either go to zero, its uncharged. the stats are based on the darts that you use and don't degrade as you lose darts or scales, only when you run out of one and the weapon becomes unusable.


If you're pking you don't need to fill it up completely


I bought the blowpipe and I really wasn't feelin it for the 16m or so price tag.. 

  • 2 weeks later...

i bought my pipe at 12.6m, im going to keep it until i get 99 range, very fast and afk exp in nmz


Blowpipe to spec and to dbolt is amazing

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