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My Rant of the day.


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FOOD GLITCH. My problem isn't the 'food' glitch, infact, the kids spamming 'omg you food glitch' i mean seriously, it's a food COMBO, it's called combo eating, dammit, i see so many idiots saying it to me during a fight, and people saying it around here.

dammittt!!!! i'm aloud to rage this is a damn rant!

no but seriously, sort it out?


Welcome to '09 PKing.

Yeah, kids will find anything to whine about nowadays. I went to PvP to do some pking, everytime I asked for a fight it was "no you fc" (I was wearing ghostly robes and had no fc runes on me...) or "qc your stats, no" or some crazy stupid shit like that. It's utter bullshit, kids can't pk for shit nowadays. I seriously wouldn't care if I had a targ with food combo's, it just makes their food run out quicker.

Some kid said I fc when i was right next too him casting ice burst too stop the faggot from running.

They also seem to whine about the fact that I use a Vls too combo with maul, they whine near enough about every fucking thing. it's annoying.


You guys have made me feel better, thanks =D

to know that there are actually honor pkers out there.

It's more annoying when you have a fair fight. they spec, about 5 seconds later, they pray and make some

excuselike "you safe". gtfo i wasn't born yesterday.


You guys have made me feel better, thanks =D

to know that there are actually honor pkers out there.

It's more annoying when you have a fair fight. they spec, about 5 seconds later, they pray and make some

excuselike "you safe". gtfo i wasn't born yesterday.

Yeah I know, it's sad pking has come to this. They don't fight at all. I just piss em off and say "why u in a pvp world if u dont fight u twat." or something like that. I don't get the "gtfo you safe" so much now in P2P, dunno why lol. Maybe it's cuz you can easily spec something insaine as most weapons are overpowered lol.

Tbh pking now a day's is stupid. If they ask me to qc my stats I just say gl and attack them until they either pot up or walk out. As for the idiots who cry about food comboing just tell um its a part of the game and have fun trying to tank my specs without comboing. I personally don't food combo but I phoenix neck


I got called a rusher in f2p today, gave me a giggle.


I got called a rusher in f2p today, gave me a giggle.



Lol, don't worry about people who are pissy over stupid stuff.

I just ignore them myself, they sound stupid in the end.


lol if you attack someone in f2p without asking its considered rushing now.


The '09 Pker - If your stats are better then his, no fight, if you have a 99 in any skill, no fight, if your wearing anything mage like, they call you fc newb, they say fc nerd when they range, they say l2pk as they kiss the floor, they want you to qc stats, eats at 50/60 hp, asks for max hit to eat 5 hp above it, SUCKS DICK.


lol if you attack someone in f2p without asking its considered rushing now.

i took out rune on my main with all the kids in monk robes and just attacked them and they ran off screaming "REPORT" "REPORT" like...i dont even know what to make of this...?

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