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Biggest nerd ever?


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Many of you may have seen this already, but for those who havn't.. watch this:

It's basically a video of a 19 year old guy, crying and punching the wall, and raging because he was dissapointed with MW2


Then watch this:

It's him venting his emotions to the camera after[He says "i'm not emo anymore i'm scene" at one point, WTF?]



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If I was that wall I'd have punched the cunt back.

The wall was clearly rendered unconscious at that point, didn't you see that big strong boy unleashing his fury upon it. His milk 'tache is quite badass too tbh.
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I fucking lol'd tbh :lol:

1. He defiantly isn't a natural smoker, he seemed too dramatic about it and at the end, you couldn't even see the bloody thing

2. No-one cares that your shit at CoD MW2... Go back to kids games please.

and finally, a famous law of physics. If you punch the wall, the wall will punch back.

Good life.

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I fucking lol'd tbh :lol:

1. He defiantly isn't a natural smoker, he seemed too dramatic about it and at the end, you couldn't even see the bloody thing

2. No-one cares that your shit at CoD MW2... Go back to kids games please.

and finally, a famous law of physics. If you punch the wall, the wall will punch back.

Good life.

Rofl it was offline he was talking about too so he's not even an online gamer. what a homo.. should buy a wii.
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PhillyD showed this the week the game came out, and I lol'd really, really hard.

phillyd is the man. him and that kid with the "greatest freakout ever" series are my only subscriptions on youtube..

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PhillyD showed this the week the game came out, and I lol'd really, really hard.

Yea that's where i saw this video first also, the kids a fucking faggot though seriously needs to stfu and stop crying 1. It's a game, 2.He needs friends because i doubt he has any.

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He is probably abused by his parents because he want Bowl on the Wii so his dad beats him and nobody likes him at his school so he does it for attention.  $10 says the he showed his mom or asked to go to the hospital, hes just a no life homo that plays with barbies still.

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"Oim not ayvehn aehmo any mooh, oim scaene naough"

Yeah he has an english accent.. congratulations of you for noticing. What are you an americunt?

That's an insult to the English language to call what he is speaking "English".  He doesn't speak. He drawls.. (I think that's the right world... lol)

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"Oim not ayvehn aehmo any mooh, oim scaene naough"

Yeah he has an english accent.. congratulations of you for noticing. What are you an americunt?

No, I'm atually Canadian you fucking piece of shit. Goddamn you're fucking stupid, I was poking fun at the fact that you can't understand a word he's saying because he's talking like he's being deepthroated by some black guy.

Go fucking take your anti American ideals and your completely nationalist pride for your country and go neck yourself, you stupid motherfucking retard, because I'm sure that people would not acknowledge your sudden disappearance from this world. Jesus christ people like you make me pissed off at this forum.

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