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Saekos product...


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Posted (edited)

What kinda prod i should make?  Choose and post below... =)



Piety pure with 60 attack


range tank W/ 75 def


1 def 75 attack low lvl prod with sotd and ags


1 def 99 range + 99 mage prod? + guested melee


void pure / rune pure with 60 attack


Help me out my loveeeeeeeeeeees


Most of the accounts will be hybrid prods. exept piety pure.

Edited by Saeko

40 attack f2p pure


shits fun as hell

Posted (edited)

40 attack f2p pure


shits fun as hell

F2p is not an opiton. hate f2p pures


Edit: actually it might be fun but if i dont decide making a 1 def max pure...

Edited by Saeko


40 attack f2p pure


shits fun as hell

F2p is not an opiton. hate f2p pures


Edit: actually it might be fun but if i dont decide making a 1 def max pure...


a real foe member loves f2p


I am also making a gmauler

Posted (edited)

Turn your current acc into a void pure / rune pure with 99 attack and make a new acc with 1 def 75 atk =)

Edited by Psycho Zinc

75 attk 1 def would be cool




40 attack f2p pure


shits fun as hell

F2p is not an opiton. hate f2p pures


Edit: actually it might be fun but if i dont decide making a 1 def max pure...


a real foe member loves f2p



Rune pure man, beast accounts


75 attk 1 def would be cool


do u like edge pk or not ?


do u like edge pk or not ?



Rune pure man, beast accounts

Im done with maxed rune pures. had one b4



do u like edge pk or not ?



the thing is if u dont like edge pk dont make a 60att piety pure :p




do u like edge pk or not ?



the thing is if u dont like edge pk dont make a 60att piety pure :p


i will make a 42 def voider already decided =) thanks for helping


Don't do the 1 99 range+mage + quested str and melee. I shall be the only pure with those stats in foe!


Maxed piety prod

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