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First 3 signatures Ever.


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This my first time ever making signatures. I don't want hateful/idiotic criticism. Tip's on how it could be improved/Tips to give beginners all together would be greatly appreciated.

And give your opinion's on what you liked/ Didn't.... No ratings from 1/10 please :/ I don't deem them good enough lol.


That render is really over used, must of seen it in 100 or more sigs now.  :sick:

On the first one the writing is too easy to see, but in the 2nd and third theyre too hard to notice, you should try and get a contrast so when you first see the sig, you notice the main feature first, and then straight away after the writing, but in the first i noticed writing first, then in 2nd and 3rd took me like a second more than it should to notice writing- if that makes sense  :ph43r:

Red is not the right colour to go with the render as the render is white and grey and black, when ur background is majorily red, you should have used similar colours but still tried to have the render defined from it.

Also the render is terrible quality, you can see altered pixels over his left shoulder.

2nd one is too tall.

Overall 3rd one is best


Well I didnt do the renders so that parts not my fault lol.. Seems fine to me.

Other then that thanks for you comment's. And the common use of the render is also not a main factor for me.


The last one has the best background, need to blend the render with it more though, not necessarily by smudging, maybe feather it a bit, also add some gradient maps, maybe a black/white, violet/orange, photo filter etc.

It looks strange having such contrasting colours.

You should try using the top half of the second background and the lower half of the third background, also maybe define a light source.


i dont rly like em but if i had2 use any of em then id use the one in the middle

Elven Dremor

i dont rly like em but if i had2 use any of em then id use the one in the middle

I'm with Gime, It's not really my 'taste' but IMO, the middle one is my most preferred if I had to choose one, GJ.


nr 2 and 3 is pretty nice, its just like the sig and that character pic doesnt go along very well.


Should of tried to blend it in more.

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