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TWD Season 5 Finale Discussion


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The wolves group are animals, looking forward to a showdown between them and Ricks group. What do you think will happen? It's pretty fucked up that they killed so many people and used the walkers as a trap. How many of them will there be :o Finally we get to see Morgan!!! I think his journey is one of the most interesting things on the show, looking forward to some flash backs whilst he's catching up with rick


The ending leaves you with a burning desire for more.. I have goosebumps ffs


Expecting good stuff from Season 6, game of thrones will have to suffice until then!

Edited by Heismberg
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I'm happy with the ending tbh.

Seems like they will make peace with the people within the camp and rick will be a leader which is pretty much what I wanted.

Some cunt told me Glenn was going to die in this episode so was kinda shocked when he came back lmao

Wonder how Morgan will react to seeing rick shoot that guy

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I'm happy with the ending tbh.

Seems like they will make peace with the people within the camp and rick will be a leader which is pretty much what I wanted.

Some cunt told me Glenn was going to die in this episode so was kinda shocked when he came back lmao

Wonder how Morgan will react to seeing rick shoot that guy

^I agree. Was a good ending.+ What heisemberg said, morgans journey is the most interesting on twd! Wtf, didn't know it was the last episode of season 5! omgomgzomg dat hype can't wait for sesssss 6!

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even though it wasn't what i was expecting, i was thinking the meeting would go down the drain and ricks group would end up slaughtering all those noobs. even though that didn't happen i was still on the edge of my seat, flailing about, couldn't contain myself, and yelling at my screen with reactions. lol. Glens confrontation had me at a panic, Daryl and the gay dude's dilemma in the trap, was fantastic. How those wolf people re-set those traps, was brilliant, they are so fucked in the head for going through the trouble of doing this rather than just trying to survive like the rest of the left over population. I missed out on the Priests story? I was doing nmz and saw he was going psycho, and then the next scene it was him and 2 others holding hands and praying? wtf happened how did he go from psycho to normal again? what was said? didn't bother going back cuz i couldn't wait to see what happened in the other parts. I'm glad glen survived, there was speculation he was a goner that episode. He's my favorite character after Hershel died. Not sure if Rick is back to a normal state, he seemed to be going down a Shane path, maybe some human/animal instinct? wanting on that hot blonde woman? I'm sure he had his eyes on her before he found out the husband was a beater, but finding that out just gave more of a reason to chase? even after his own wife's tragic death? subconsciously finding some1 to help care for his baby? idk how he could be going down that route so soon idk how i would be feeling, I don't think i would go as HAM as rick is with it, would take time and talk to Carl bout it later if he was my kid.


I've followed this show and examine the characters psyche since day 1, because it is a zombie drama, 80% of the show is just talking, drama, character development, and all these questions pop up as to why they do things, why decisions are made, what i would possibly do in a situation. that's the fun in this show seeing these characters mold and how they decide what options to follow due to past experiences. That's what makes this show so great. That's what makes it fun and what I enjoy from it.


edit: also pumped for the spin-off walking dead series, going to take place on the west coast. and apparently the setting is the humans actually have control and an upper hand on the zombie situation, and actually have thriving cities and defense force slowly gaining ground and taking care of the problem. so maybe that series will help the butthurt viewers who think the original show is boring and just want to see 20 episodes a season of just straight up ass kicking zombie hoards.


but that raises questions, why is the west coast doing alright and surviving while the south is a fucking shit storm? lmfao xD shots fired to the south.

Edited by W3
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Walking dead is overrated

Same shit over and over. If the cannibal group from Terminus werent killed off...may be interesting. But meh...

Edited by Lonnie
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