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new prayer method


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Edited by lmpact

old as fuc i did it for 70


u just pay 5gp per item to the guy, so 5k bones would cost 25k by the time u burned all


finding host is a pain

Run Up North

I never knew of this, holy fuck. Thank god for posting this.


I found it's around 280k-300k ph with dbones btw


cool. good to know if i decide to get higher pray


350k xp/h isnt fastest pray method since u can do 600k/h with dbones


Yeah I did this whenever there were people hosting at rimmy 


and no there is no req. 


I never knew of this, holy fuck. Thank god for posting this.


Old but pretty good method ye


This method is not the best. PvP world with banking using cammy tabs and your own altar is the best way. And maybe if u don't afk ur d bones on altar u might get 600k/h xp just saying


Old but gold i got 99 this way


thanks for sharing


Just sucks finding a Rimmington host


This method is not the best. PvP world with banking using cammy tabs and your own altar is the best way. And maybe if u don't afk ur d bones on altar u might get 600k/h xp just saying

Or have a 2nd acc running the bones

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