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RuneScape gonna die after MechScape?


Is RuneScape gonna die when MechScape comes? ( 1.11.2010 )  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Is RuneScape gonna die when MechScape comes? ( 1.11.2010 )

    • Yes, Everybody going to MechScape
    • No, MechScape gonna fail and everybody stay Runescape
    • MechScape and RuneScape gonna be balanced
    • Dunno.

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No. mech scape will be too different too runescape. and people will probably stick too runescape.


whats the mechscape?

MechScape is an upcoming sci-fi MMORPG being developed by Jagex aimed at an older audience than RuneScape. They claim it will feature deeper, more complex gameplay.

MechScape World is dedicated to bringing you all available information on this game.


mechscape going to fail, cause all the good players wont want to start a new game after 5+ years playing runescape, they will feel it's too big of a waste of time  :p


mechscape going to fail, cause all the good players wont want to start a new game after 5+ years playing runescape, they will feel it's too big of a waste of time  :p

I think its gonna be big fail as funorb :D


mechscape will look like this :P


its gonna fail


Idk :o Ive never heard of MechScape


You realise mechscape has been cancelled at the last stage as it wasn't going to turn out as they had planned.


there was another video of mech-scape and it didn't look as bad as the one previously posted, looked like rs but futuristic. anyways it wont come out for a long time since jagex scrapped it and is re-making it


mechscape-suckscape the same ;D


i dint read teh replys but i think the closed it..


i thought mechscape was a year-old joke :o


I'll play it, and if I like it, I'll continue playing it. I don't intend it will take up as much of my time as Runescape has/will though.


since i have a well developed pure and main i dont see why i couldnt play both?

i currently play rs and counter strike

when i get bored of one game i go to the other


From what i hear MechSchape is going to suck ass.

Therefor, Rs2 F3R LAIF


all the lvl 30 kids are gonna move, and anyone who is just starting will probably choose mechscape over it, but the hardcore ones are most likely gonna still scape, or Rscape we will probably call it lol :P though everyone is gonna give it a go and most likely play it every now and then, we'll see ;)


mechscape going to fail, cause all the good players wont want to start a new game after 5+ years playing runescape, they will feel it's too big of a waste of time  :p


If mechscape is really good yes it will.

And i allready see that jagex is focusing more on mechscape. But tbh runescape is the money collector for them so dont think they stop making updates for runescape


they had too start over with mechscape they said it in a newsletter so idt they will even finish it tbh

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