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I tried to make this

Shut Up Kid

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yeah, your gey, and i dont want to know the bad stuff, i already know it, now gtfo you fat kid.


Why are peeps arguing over sum shit nerdy drawing btw?


Why are peeps arguing over sum shit nerdy drawing btw?


Bow is backwards :S


It is? hmm lol it prolly is, XD


Just like your father.


Just like your father.

Listen, either grow up or fuck off, if you can't handle the truth don't fucking post your garbage, the fact is, it looks complete shit. Now you have two options, deal with that fact, and take this as a lesson learned, practice more, improve on the things people have said... Or just don't post your "artwork" here. simple. An officer states a fact, and you insult his father? Seriously, how mature.

Why are you still here? do you have nothing better to do then flame people over their attempt at drawing something? GTFO for the last time, i dont need to see your crap, You have no life or friends it seems to me. GTFO dont post on my thread. AGAIN.


Lovely topic;

Haagen, grow up.

Pur3, If you are as mature as you are suggesting, you should have stopped replying to him ages ago.

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