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Goals for my zerker pure

Adam | LayDown

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Adam | LayDown

EDIT: ok so i forgot to mention ive had this account for 5+ years, i just recently recovered it back. sorry for confusing all of you

Ok, so most of you know i was banned awhile ago on t0ur 2 1umby, and i recently started my new pure which i achieved 99 hunt on. But wat i have failed to mention is i have been working on a zerker pure in the background, which is why you havent seen alot of me on IRC and TS.

So my current stats:

Posted Image

i no im pretty fail, at first i didnt even think of getting 94 mage for veng (idk why) so now atm im getting stats for lunar dip, and working on my mage. Hopefully i will have 94 mage done by 2010 if not sooner, becuz i also have to work on my pure

so i guess my future stats r as follows:

95/99 atk

99/99 str

45/?(not rly sure wat im gonna do with this)

84/90 range

52/52 pray

71/94 mage

94/99 hp

i no this was kinda thrown together, but i just wanted to keep u all updated.

thanks <3


Thats such a random stat build, if you had the acc for 3 years and pked the attack lvls i could understand but it just seems so random.

My first impression is that you bought the acc.

Adam | LayDown

ive had this account for 5+ years lol, i prob should have said that

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