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Study: US Congress literally does not care what you think


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm all about this topic. The government is typically what gets all the heat from people and is blamed for not representing the people, but I really don't think the government is responsible for this. We assume that the government has the power to make their own decisions, but capitalism has made it so that government no longer is the most influential force in how the world developes. Capitalists and corporations are. The right amount of wealth can buy anything, even congressmen. And unfortunately, under the current policy, congressmen have zero chance of winning an election if they don't suck the dicks of rich people. I learned in a class I took that it takes a campagin funded by an everage of $2m to win a seat in the house of representatives and $8-10m to successfully win an election as a senator. This kind of law allows the wealthy to influence policy that isn't good for anyone else. And they also have enough money to form propoganda that tricks the public into thinking that bad things are actually good for them. If you want to see what I mean, watch th documentary called "Fed Up." Its on netflix. Its about how corporations are completely responsible for obesity and health issues in the US and how they do it just to make money. Its well worth it if this kind of thing interests you.


Also, if you want to see how crazy wealthy the wealthy are compared to everyone else, check out this vid. Its 5 minutes.


Anyway, capitalists are a much bigger threat to democracy than congress.

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I'm all about this topic. The government is typically what gets all the heat from people and is blamed for not representing the people, but I really don't think the government is responsible for this. We assume that the government has the power to make their own decisions, but capitalism has made it so that government no longer is the most influential force in how the world developes. Capitalists and corporations are. The right amount of wealth can buy anything, even congressmen. And unfortunately, under the current policy, congressmen have zero chance of winning an election if they don't suck the dicks of rich people. I learned in a class I took that it takes a campagin funded by an everage of $2m to win a seat in the house of representatives and $8-10m to successfully win an election as a senator. This kind of law allows the wealthy to influence policy that isn't good for anyone else. And they also have enough money to form propoganda that tricks the public into thinking that bad things are actually good for them. If you want to see what I mean, watch th documentary called "Fed Up." Its on netflix. Its about how corporations are completely responsible for obesity and health issues in the US and how they do it just to make money. Its well worth it if this kind of thing interests you.

Also, if you want to see how crazy wealthy the wealthy are compared to everyone else, check out this

. Its 5 minutes.

Anyway, capitalists are a much bigger threat to democracy than congress.

greed and time. The killers of all things.
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