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Any tips? [League related]

A Crusader

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A Crusader

I really don't know what i'm doing wrong in these plat 1 elo games, but I keep destroying my lanes. For some reason every team I get is shit and I have to carry 4 people all the time and i'm not capable of doing that every single game.. any tips I can get? There's obviously something wrong, and it's not my laning phase and mechanics. Or is is just bad luck with teams?


Edited by A Crusader
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What's your impact on other lanes? How do you effectively snowball your lead into actually getting objectives? I know a few guys around your elo that can't climb higher because even though they do well in lane, they don't know how to properly extend that lead into later stages of the game. If you are interested, upload a POV clip of a game you play so I can see what you're doing and I might be able to throw in some helpful advice.

Edited by Sh4dy M4ul
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I had winning/losing streaks too its just only about when polish kids are in my team i lose and when they are in enemy team i can go afk and still win.

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A Crusader

What's your impact on other lanes? How do you effectively snowball your lead into actually getting objectives? I know a few guys around your elo that can't climb higher because even though they do well in lane, they don't know how to properly extend that lead into later stages of the game. If you are interested, upload a POV clip of a game you play so I can see what you're doing and I might be able to throw in some helpful advice.

Thanks for your offer, but I don't really know how to capture anything besides fraps, but these files are like 20GB lol.

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Start roaming  a lot more, do a ton of ganks and get your other lanes ahead.


Also killing their jungler by roaming into their jungle will put pressure of your other lanes.

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Start roaming  a lot more, do a ton of ganks and get your other lanes ahead.


Also killing their jungler by roaming into their jungle will put pressure of your other lanes.

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I'm a diamond AD main if you want any advice specifically in that role... I'm pretty shit at the rest tbh. Feel free to add me in game and pm


I peaked at diamond 3 78 LP last season  though which is kinda meh i guess


ign: "PianIan"

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