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Snurf jr

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Finally, i can do overwatch. Its kinda nice when im bored, already spotted alot of cheaters.
What is your guys opinion on this overwatch thing?
Its pretty cool that the community gets involved into banning people l0l.


It's cool but truly it doesn't take care of the cheating situation. There is still way too many cheaters in csgo who get away with it , that's how I view it

Posted (edited)

its fun busting skulls

Edited by Novations ツ

It's cool but truly it doesn't take care of the cheating situation. There is still way too many cheaters in csgo who get away with it , that's how I view it

Sad but true


It's cool but truly it doesn't take care of the cheating situation. There is still way too many cheaters in csgo who get away with it , that's how I view it

This...usually by the time they get overwatched they ruined quite a bit of games already. CSGO being as cheap as it is isn't helping either



It's cool but truly it doesn't take care of the cheating situation. There is still way too many cheaters in csgo who get away with it , that's how I view it

This...usually by the time they get overwatched they ruined quite a bit of games already. CSGO being as cheap as it is isn't helping either


i have seen 2 people getting vac banned in my mm matches, quite funny if they were saying (ez pz, gg, ...). laughed so hard at that moment


I've had a few cheaters banned like really close after a match either by a VAC wave or by coincedental Overwatch, but never in-game. I even saw a teammate's profile get smited like 15 minutes after that game, and tbh I was pretty happy. Most obvious waller I had seen so far, and whether he's in my team or not I don't care, I reported his ass off :P


If you actually enjoy doing that, youre a fucking nerd who needs to burn.


Everytime I load a case I'll just imagine there's a one in million chance I could potentially smite your ass off - that delight will fuel my motivation for the other 999.999


<3 ofc

Posted (edited)

If you actually enjoy doing that, youre a fucking nerd who needs to burn.

You are one of those cheaters/scammers?

Edited by Snurf jr

Counter strike global offensive


It's good and all, but giving people as low as gold novas the right to determine who is cheating is kinda weird. A nova / AK rank might easily call aim assistance on anyone above their rank if they are smurfing (you only get cases from your rank or lower).


I like OW but there should be a more selective process to determine who can use it to submit verdicts. Give players a test series of 10 OW demos and see if they get them right (or as close as possible) to see if they have any eye for cheats.


Isn't there an ELO system (or something similar) that determines how good you are in assessing Overwatch cases which will affect the weight of your vote in the final verdict? But yeah either way I agree with you, especially with the 16tick demos it looks worse than it is. A friend of mine who's (a legit) Global smurfed with me in AK ranks a while back and a new account and he got overwatched like a week later because he was 'hacking'. The ban got lifted, but still dumb to see.


Isn't there an ELO system (or something similar) that determines how good you are in assessing Overwatch cases which will affect the weight of your vote in the final verdict? But yeah either way I agree with you, especially with the 16tick demos it looks worse than it is. A friend of mine who's (a legit) Global smurfed with me in AK ranks a while back and a new account and he got overwatched like a week later because he was 'hacking'. The ban got lifted, but still dumb to see.

Strange to see him banned, since valve confirmed that they only give VAC bans if they detect the cheat on your computer. Since overwatch is in beta it is still being supervised I think. Once it is out of beta it should be a way more higher rank requirement imo. Also you need like 500 hours gameplay atleast for OW, should be 1k+ imo.

I do like the idea of it. Counter-strike always had that cheating negativity vibe around it, this kind of things do help some.


gl catching me 

what kind of cheatprovider you use? aimjunkies, aimware, hexui,...?


No clue wat dis is

Posted (edited)

CSGO is shit 

Edited by `Callum



It's cool but truly it doesn't take care of the cheating situation. There is still way too many cheaters in csgo who get away with it , that's how I view it

This...usually by the time they get overwatched they ruined quite a bit of games already. CSGO being as cheap as it is isn't helping either


i have seen 2 people getting vac banned in my mm matches, quite funny if they were saying (ez pz, gg, ...). laughed so hard at that moment


xD lets put it this way, people in foe have gotten over 800 hours cheating w/o bans.




It's cool but truly it doesn't take care of the cheating situation. There is still way too many cheaters in csgo who get away with it , that's how I view it

This...usually by the time they get overwatched they ruined quite a bit of games already. CSGO being as cheap as it is isn't helping either


i have seen 2 people getting vac banned in my mm matches, quite funny if they were saying (ez pz, gg, ...). laughed so hard at that moment


xD lets put it this way, people in foe have gotten over 800 hours cheating w/o bans.





It's cool but truly it doesn't take care of the cheating situation. There is still way too many cheaters in csgo who get away with it , that's how I view it

This...usually by the time they get overwatched they ruined quite a bit of games already. CSGO being as cheap as it is isn't helping either


i have seen 2 people getting vac banned in my mm matches, quite funny if they were saying (ez pz, gg, ...). laughed so hard at that moment


xD lets put it this way, people in foe have gotten over 800 hours cheating w/o bans.


thats sick :o


I guess if you're not too obvious with wallhacks or even aim assist (assuming you aren't bad at the game) it's pretty hard to detect. If you wall and don't trace like a dumbass and just use it for extra information instead of a way to drop 40 bombs then it's understandable

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