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Poor kid was doing a clue 4m+ pk

hollow squad

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hollow squad
Posted (edited)

Was doing some pking near graves when I saw a kid with slayer helm, fire cape, torso, fury, ss, and some other shit doing a clue lol. My friend got a tb on him and I killed him I didn't realize wtf he was doing with all that gear until I looked back at the screenshot and saw I picked up his spade and noticed he was doing a clue. Pretty sure he lost fire cape, I got the black mask from the slayer helm and zerker ring from him.



Edited by hollow squad

sad times, i feel his pain


u thought there were no retards on rs in 2015 didn't u


Killing people who do clues. So sad.  :kappa:

hollow squad

u thought there were no retards on rs in 2015 didn't u

Yeah i thought they were all on rs3

hollow squad
Posted (edited)

Killing people who do clues. So sad.  :kappa:

I wasn't intentionally going after people doing clues but i wasn't about to pass him up either. Didn't you just ddos somebody or kill them while they dced lmao?

Edited by hollow squad
hollow squad

sad nh


hollow squad


sad nh




Fuck it, money is king. Gratz on loot

hollow squad

Fuck it, money is king. Gratz on loot

thats what i thought too haha, thanks man :P


l0l wat a retard


People need to realize that whenever you enter the wilderness you could lose everything. Kid was stupid to bring everything he had...  :wink:


Bless his little cotton socks!


gz lad, a loot like that is always welcome

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