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5pade getting absolutely fucked

B L l l T Z

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B L l l T Z
Posted (edited)
Second Clip

Edited by B L l l T Z

Wtf were you doing with 58m !?


its not me lmfao, i've been spent pics of the name 

B L l l T Z

its not me lmfao, i've been spent pics of the name 




i wonder what that guy was thinking


lmao at the ending


wattt :o


it's not tony, i doubt tony would be retarded enough to go run around with rune and a gmaul carrrying 58m, i think the clip is fake.


loool saw it earlier aswell


I don't think it'd be fake. You'd still be risking losing it to other people....


He didnt get "raped" for everyone who thinks that. A voider got lucky with RNG, no talent went into that kill. I dispise retards like that, they attempt to 1 hit my 95 hp when I'm pking all the time. It's fucking retarded LOL.


i'd never have these stats l0l



Lemme just grab this 50m and run to var west real quick...o  shit

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